Hi my little boy has been assessed for bowel concerns and loose stools and had been diagnosed with toddler diarrohea last year.I had been advised to continue with toilet training and have been trying same from early last year but my little boy will hold his pee and poos all day until I put a nappy on (if he hasn't went in a while) or he has an accident. His speech is quite poor so cant tell me and he is attending speech and language (only got referal last week from last year also) but glad of the input and help. I do put him on the toilet throughout the day and he has a potty also downstairs. He missed his place in pre school placement as they couldn't accept him still in nappies and I have applied for nursery this year so just wondering if anyone had same issues and any ideas/advice would be greatly appreciated 😊 x
3 1/2 year old with speech difficulti... - Pregnancy and Par...
3 1/2 year old with speech difficulties still using nappies. Ant advice?

Have you tried using signs and makaton hand signs just in case he doesn't feel confident try to explain what he needs? Maybe you can do sign when you say it and eventually he might sign too.
Hi thanks for your reply.Yes have been trying signs but not makaton il maybe give that a go. He will sit on toilet in the morning occasionally but never uses it and knows what it's for and will not use his potty at all.
If I keep his nappy off him he screams his head off and if he does settle and forgets about it, he will hold both pee and poo in until a nappy is put back on, even after being put on toilet numerous times. He has a wee reward chart etc but nothing seems to work..
Thank you 😊
Gosh it sounds stressful and challenging. Keep going, remember you're the parent and even though it is hard to deal with crying and screaming you'll get there if you're consistent and persistent. Good luck
Have you looked at the eric website? eric.org.uk/ they'd a charity setup to help with potty training and even have a section on potty training and delayed speech.
Good luck with it x
Hi,My daughter also had a same problem so what did,I completely take off her nappies for few hours a day and taking her toilet every five minutes and I did same pattern whole week she got very upset not doin pee in toilet and keep holding it, as soon as I put nappies she did it.
But after week I put her in nappies and then I strat telling her that why we are going toilet and keep talking her and encourage her.
After 2week I did the same pattern but 2time she was not very upset but again holding it and then I put her back to nappies.
And again telling her your sister mumy dady are going toilet explain her again
3rd time when I did it so she didn't upset to going toilet and finally she did it.
So don't get upset your self keep trying also buy a good potty training chair.
Thanks so much for your help x