Ahhh... I'm at the end of my tether with this. He's gone from brilliant sleeping through the night baby, at around 3 months to crying and give me a cuddle every half hour baby, now at 6 months. Now I get no sleep and I can't figure out the formula to use to get rid of this trapped wind that keeps waking him up.
He was on sma formula and then that made him constipated to point that he wouldn't poo for a few days. And in the night he would scream out in pain from the cramp.
So I moved him onto Aptamil Comfort formula and its just a different type of bad. Now he has wind and farts and farts constantly. So he wakes in the night screaming because of trapped wind and the need to fart. I'm really not convinced of this Comfort stuff. It hasn't made things better.
I'm thinking of trying Kendamill next. It sounds good with the no palm oil thing; could be better for him?
Or should I just try C&G the normal one, not the Comfort one. He seemed to like the premade bottled C&G so maybe powdered one might not bung him up like the sma formula did.
It is proving to be a very expensive experiment with unfinished boxes of £10+ formula everywhere and I'm also knackered.
What's everyone else's experience with different formulas and their side effects?