Iv always had trouble with my LO having a lot of wind even though he is BF (with one bottle of formula each evening). The amount of air that he passes out of his bum is unbelievable, I don't know where he possibly keeps it all. The problem is that he struggles to push the air out & it causes him great discomfort & stops him from sleeping. He screams if I put him down on his back so he has to sleep on his side. During the day this will allow him to get a couple of hours sleep in his pram or car seat if we're out but at nighttime he wakes up after about 30 minutes straining & grunting until I have to pick him up. Iv tried bicycle legs & rubbing his tummy in a clockwise movement. We've also tried infacol & we are still using gripe water but we still have the problem. The only way I can comfort him is to feed him as breast milk contains a natural laxative but then this makes me feel like I'm over feeding him because I feel like I'm nursing most of the night. He sleeps on my chest which also makes me feel like I'm creating bad sleep habits but it's the only way he will go down. He isn't constipated as he is pooing normally.
Someone please help!!