Hi all, I had an emergency c section and I got pregnant again after 6 months. I am 72 weeks but the drs wotn discuss the option of c section/VBAC until I'm 34 weeks and they want an answer by 36 weeks. I would much rather have more time to mull over my options as it's a big decision. Any advice? Thank you
Pregnant again 6 months after c sect... - Pregnancy and Par...
Pregnant again 6 months after c section - VBAC or c section?

Hi Mummybear 4,
I know that for having another c-sec you need to wait barely 2 years from the last one.
I suggest to have a VB if the pregnancy go truough well and try to not worry so much.
Try to not get stressed with that, enjoy this new pregnancy and obviously your little one❤.
A new life is coming soon😍,Congratulation🎉.
I don't think advice on here is going to really be worth much in as much as what decision you make as no one in here is verified as a medical expert and they don't know your personal circumstances.
Your pregnancy will probably be classed as more high risk because of the complications that can happen with close together pregnancies after a C-section, you might be referred to consultant care or see an obstetrician and they're probably the people to discuss your options with.
You could research your options between now and your appointment with them so that you know what answers you want to help you make your decision. Although it feels like you don't have long to make your decision, you an start thinking about it now and maybe do a hypnobirthing course. I found mine helped less with my actual birth and helped more with advocating for what I wanted and have a stronger voice.
Nct also advocate using the BRAIN informed decision making tool.
B- what are the benefits of the action?
R- What are the risks?
A- Are there alternatives.?
I- What are IMPLICATIONS of this cost of action and will it make further INTERVENTIONS likely?
N- What if you do Nothing now or wait a while to decide?
You could write these out for VBAC or C-Sec and use that to help you make an informed choice.