hi, when i was 16 years old, i have a child with a woman, now Im 28 i got married 3 years ago,
i did not tell anything about this to my wife, now she is pregnant.
3 days ago she recieved a message from the mother of my kids, and she was devasted, broken,
i want to fix this, i dont have any idea, what can i do for her, how can i healing my marriage, i know this are bad consequences from my lies, i know she need to get angry, i know she can not forgive me, i just dont want to loss her, i want to do something for her feeling, im trying to be honest, she knows, everything from me, i dont do something bad to her, i just trying to start a new life with her, and trying to the best that i can. i could not said the truth, i was so scared. our baby will born 1 month later, i want to do something, anything, when i talk to her, she said to me "i just want to you stay close to my feeling, same as i did to you before". before i met her i have a problems with drugs, so i quite everything and trying to star a new life, without all the bad thing that i did, i said like that to her, im since that day im just become a better person thanks to her, im complete different person, a better me, i met her in asia, this where i live now, new life. im so depressed becouse i see her sad, dont smile, make me feel very guilty im guilty but if can do something please give some advice.