I have had two sweeps this week and currently nothing has happened from either of them
Anyone any tips on starting labour? - Pregnancy and Par...
Anyone any tips on starting labour?

Wait!! I tried everything! Nothing worked!! And I ended up being induced! You’re little one will come when they are ready! Good luck xx
Thank you i've had two sweeps and they say i can have one more on thursday and if that doesnt work they are going to induce me on saturday. I'm just not really keen on the induction as i've been told its worse than going on your own xx
You don't have to agree to an induction if you are not keen. Research the benefits / risks in your particular situation, and you can always choose to wait. It is true that baby will come when baby is ready. And you can do things to make an induction closer to a spontaneous birth (with making your birth environment nicer). Best wishes X
Over 3 pregnancies I've tried:
7 sweeps
Nipple stimulation
Ridiculous amounts of sex
Eating; pineapple, mango, castor oil, Raspberry leaf, spicy food, dates
Exercises; up and down stairs, squats, long walks, yoga ball, crawling on hands and knees (also for turning a back to back baby (didnt work for that either)
The only other thing I know of but didnt try is acupuncture.
I've had all three babies go overdue and three inductions in the end as none of the labour starting tips actually work - baby will come when baby and your cervix are ready.
But dont worry about it because -
A) the due date is only a best guess and, actually it's a rubbish guess in most cases. Recent research suggests that the vast majority of pregnancies go past their due date and it's because the way the date is calculated is based on a very old, pretty dodgy method. Check out this link.
B) You dont have to have an induction if you dont want to. Research the risks and benefits for your particular circumstances and then discuss your concerns with the midwives before coming to a decision - and remember it is YOUR decision. I delayed my third induction way past the consultants first recommendation.
C) if you do have an induction, just like natural labour and birth, anything can happen. All three of my inductions were completely different but they all ended in a beautiful healthy happy baby.
If you want to hear my induction stories - how it's done and what can happen - I'll happily elaborate, but I couldgo on for days, so I'll stop here for now 😂

Haha thank you i am due to go for induction at the weekend if she doesnt arrive before hand my due date isnt until thursday 3rd june but due to her measuring big and the weight they already think she is i dont mind the indiction part i am fed up already and really struggling to walk. i think its just because she is my first baby i dont know what to expect for labour and because i cant have my mam aswell as my partner with me my anxiety it 100x times worse i just want it over with now as bad as that sounds. X
If it makes you feel better my first was my easiest. It was quick, simple.and pain wise very manageable with paracetamol, codeine and gas and air.It also may not be as bad as you think size wise - they thought my third was very big, hence the initial advice to induce at 38 weeks. I told them I'd wait and try for a natural labour and eventually got induced at full term 40 weeks. He cam out 8lb14 instead of 11lb. They do say they can be up to 20% out on their estimate. I reckon it was my boys enormous head that messed with their formula 😂