Hi there! I am 5 weeks pregnant and four days ago, I started feeling a very strong pain on the hip on the left-hand side. The worst position to be in is seated and I also have trouble walking. Can this be related to pregnancy being so early on? Does anyone have similar experiences? Thank you
Strong hip pain on one side. 5 weeks ... - Pregnancy and Par...
Strong hip pain on one side. 5 weeks pregnant

I have no experience of that and I have never heard of that symptom in early pregnancy. I generally prefer to be safe than sorry and in your place, I would call the local hospital EPU, report strong pain and ask for an early scan. It might be a completely unrelated pain but good to double check.
I hope you have a healthy and easy pregnancy! X
Hey don’t want to scare you but I had hip pain when walking and it turned out to be ectopic probs won’t be the case for you but it was something to do with that x
I have been applying hot towels almost every day to feel less pain. It improved for almost two days and yesterday it came back again. I will see a physiotherapist tomorrow.
Thank you. I will.
Is it possible to get a quick scan at 5 weeks?
EPU won’t do a scan before six weeks but you can call and ask them to book you in for turning 6 weeks
Thank you. I think the sac can already be seen at 5 weeks. I will try to go to the emergency in order to get a quick scan tomorrow.
I’ve got pelvic girdle pain. Awful pain when walking, sitting, sleeping on side. Could be that but again get checked over first!
I hope it is 'just' this!
It doesn’t sound like pregnancy pelvic pain in terms of what you get later on when the hormones make the ligaments stretchier/SPD pains. That happens much later on. I would get checked out just for reassurance it’s not an eptopic pregnancy x
Dear All,
First of all, I would like to thank everyone who replied to me.
It really helped to have my voice 'heard' and to feel connected to other women who shared similar experiences or just shared their views.
I went to the A&E today and I did an ultrasound as well as the other one with a narrow telescope with a light. All was well and this seems to be muscular pain.
I noticed that there were other pregnant women there that also had pain on the hip on the left-hand side, but there were just harmless cysts.
I wish you all the best!
Hi, it could be you have cyst or fibroid, have scar tissue from Endo?The sciatic nerve is on left side, that can effect the hip, pelvis, spine and down the leg. A scan may show up something?
Thank you. It turned out to be muscular pain....!