I had unprotected sex with my husband on 6/9/11/16/17 May as per the screenshot from my flow app. I finished my period on 3 May and took a test on 17 May at about 10am and got two lines, one of them being as dark as a sharpie and the other very faint pink (photo attached but couldn’t capture the pink in the photo) in the result window. At about 9pm tonight I took another test (19 May) and the test came back with one line and no faint pink line…… could this mean I’m not pregnant? I’ve had a chemical pregnancy or early miscarriage or could this had been an evaporation line or false positive result?
I might also add. I had a coughing fit the other day at about mid day which ended in me throwing up, but I had also consumed some alcohol the night before and the day before that at night I threw up all my dinner but that’s because I think I psyched myself out thinking there was a hair in the back of my throat so this all could be unrelated. I do also have very sensitive tender nipples especially my right one and I feel bloated and hot (heat wise)?