It was confirmed at a private scan at 16 weeks that I’m having a boy and I’m so scared of finding out he is not a boy and is a girl I have my 20 week scan on the 7th so I’m hoping they can confirm it is indeed a boy but I was just wondering if anyone that actually did have a boy scans looks similar
Gender scan: It was confirmed at a... - Pregnancy and Par...
Gender scan

Might be better to post something like this in Peanut, see posts like this all the time
None of us are scan experts, but I honestly wouldn’t worry. I was told boy (at a private scan) and it was a boy! Even if it’s not a boy it’s a girl. Either way you’re very lucky to be having a baby ❤️
It’s far more likely (and still not likely) that’s they’d get a girl wrong rather than a boy. More likely to miss a penis than make one up. It long until they confirm for you. Congratulations
I felt exactly the same as you I had nhs scan then confirmed at a private scan but the way they sonographer told me was not that clearly so u felt like they were unsure but they were absolutely right with the gender. Also these days they have the technology to find out the gender at around 6 weeks or something so I wouldn't worry and put any pressure on your self- a boy is great I have a girl and would love a boy next time around
Here is my 16 week boy scan and it was deffo a boy ☺ xx
I think most of have these thoughts if we found out the gender of our baby. I have heard it’s easier to determine if it’s a boy, so I wouldn’t worry to much. I have a private scan at 16 weeks and they said I was having a girl and she is now 5 months old. My first was a boy and I was told he was a boy at 20 week scan, he is now 6.
why is having a baby girl scary exactly? I have two girls and a boy and even if no. 3 was a girl I wouldn't have been scared. I would have been perfectly happy. I would have been scared if they had a birth defect or health issues.
We had our 20 week scan on Friday and were told it's a girl. I was a little disappointed. Its perfectly normal to feel some kind of gender disappointment if it's not the gender your were hoping for. You build up an image of what that baby will be like growing up so need to change what you planned in your head (we all do it!)
Obviously the first thing we hoped for was that she was well and healthy, thankfully she is. But all my and my partners siblings had boys and we're just used to them. Girls these days just have a lot to contend with. Plus I'm personally not a girly girl so kinda dread if all she likes is pink and sparkles 😁
But I know at the end of the day she'll be loved for who she is.
Yes I understand sometimes there can be a bit of a surprisd or somewhat of a disappoint, but being scared is well over the top. I was scared when I thought I was having a miscarriage (luckily I didn't) or when I had to have extra scans as baby wasn't on the right centiles. I was scared when my first was losing weight significantly in the first three days and almost got admitted.
I already have a girl
Ok... Still doesn't make it scary.
Well we are not all the same and have the same feelings or worries are we
No we are definitely not the same. I do not understand being scared because of a baby's sexual organs, as that's the only thing is determined by that.
Not that I have to explain myself to you or anyone but in my opinion being told my baby is a boy and preparing for my arrival of a healthy baby boy which could turn out to be a girl instead is something that does scare me he has a name and he is a person already with clothes and a life waiting for him so if he didn’t turn out to be a boy I would be sort of grieving what I thought was my future
Hi Lauren first of all wether it’s a boy or girl he or she should be healthy and it does not really matter with gender as you are having a baby and you should not be worried. Having a girl is no stigma and it’s God’s blessing and please be kind on yourself and trust on God almighty and please do not differentiate a child through gender. God bless u
We had a scan at 16w could def see it was a boy I asked at 19w scan to double check but legs were in the way, then just had another growth scan last week she said a boy lol better be I've bought boy clothes etc.

Yes that is my issue haha all the clothes and boy things we have brought we already have a girl so I’m very lucky to be having one of each!
I’ve got 2 teenage girls they’d want me to send a baby sister back lol they wouldn’t be impressed 🤣🤣 We wanted a boy but we’d be happy with either but it’s nice to know in advance for sure.