My little boy is 10 months old and now has his 2 bottom teeth. I am still breastfeeding him but last night and this morning he has bit down on my nipple while he was feeding. I have truly been dreading this happening and wondered if anybody had an tips on how to stop this happening?
Breastfeeding After Cutting Teeth - Pregnancy and Par...
Breastfeeding After Cutting Teeth
With my little girl a lot of times she not down when she was teething, a little anbesol on her guns before a feed and she didn't bite. If ever she did bite I'd unlatch her and put her down for a few minutes even she got a little upset.Then I'd let her try again and mostly she wouldn't do it again. She's now 17 months still feeding and no biting 😊
Thank you I will give it a try. I have some teething gel so will use it before his bedtime feed 😊 xx
I came on here to post the exact same question today! I just ordered some teething gel so will see how that goes. Good luck with it, I’ve been scared to bf all day 😩
Hi there the same happened with my boy when his bottom and later his top teeth came through, it wouldn't happen every feed but it lasted 2-3 days and I started to think that's it I can't take it anymore bf journey is over and he'd stop as he got used to his teeth. I really hope the same will happen to you. It's definitely not pleasant and I started dreading the feed. Just remember to pull them off and say no biting. Hopefully they'll understand xGood luck x
I had to stop bf with my son he used to bite me so much when his teeth cut through and would even drag my nipple for milk even now he's 7 years old he's still always hungry lol never grown out of it lol