My misscarrige date is approaching and for the past two days I’ve not been too well in bed all day throwing up bit of temperature and had a headache I don’t usually have it’s calmed down now but it worries me cause I had headaches when I lost my I feel loads better got out of bed and not as sick but don’t know if I should contact epu or something cause now I feel better but I’m so anxious something has gone wrong
Need someone to talk to: My misscarrige... - Pregnancy and Par...
Need someone to talk to

So sorry for your loss- due dates are tough. You’re probably feeling stressed & emotional ( totally understandable) It is safe to take paracetamol in pregnancy. As for morning sickness I’m pretty sure GPS can prescribe meds to ease it. I was lucky I never had it in my pregnancies. You could always have a private scan to offer reassurance? ( I think we will be doing the same) Early weeks are hard but you’re getting through the worst of it. I hope the 12 week scan can offer reassurance & you can enjoy the pregnancy xxx

Are you pregnant ?😯🙌🏽🙌🏽Omg wow!congrats Jess !yes I have a buddy!your so lucky to have no sickness I had a scan at 9.5 weeks got another in 12 days wish it would hurry up luckily my midwife just rang and put me at ease x
It’s very difficult being pregnant after a loss your mind goes into overtime. Glad your midwife offered reassurance. I am pregnant- just found out today. Very early days ☝🏻( period isn’t due until Sunday !) to say we were gobsmacked is a understatement!!! I thought the spotting was my endo coming back. xxx

Indeed it does.i had spotting when I conceived also thought my endo was just getting out of hand and luckily got a bfp that month x
Are you still taking Ondansetron? A very common side effect of this is headaches, I started the tablets Monday and have had raging headaches ever since, if you need to contact the EPU do it for your reassurance more than anything, dates and milestones are awful especially after a loss, sending hugs xx
If you're having a temperature you might also need a covid test? Might be speaking to your GP to get advice first.
Hi Afrihair,
I know exactly how you feel I had a missed miscarriage 3 years ago we found out at the scan it was horrendous and now I get so anxious having scans. In the following two years had another 4 chemical pregnancies..when I finally got over the 6-week mark I worried for the whole pregnancy. I had so many scans to reassure me even tho I knew if things went wrong there was nothing I can do and I hated going for thrm. Thankfully we had a successful pregnancy. I would go for a private scan for reassurance or it is a long time to wait for the NHS I bad move at almost 14 weeks so paid for 2 private one's at 7 weeks and 12 weeks. If you see a heartbeat the risks go down I honestly know the statistics for every week I was so paranoid and concerned xx
Thankyou I had a scan at 9.5 weeks but my loss was at 12.5 weeks that’s why I still feel I’ve got a way to go x
Can you ask for a scan around the same time? It was agony waiting from 7 weeks to 12 weeks as I lost the baby at 8.2 but didn't know until 11.5 weeks. My sickness eased at 9 weeks but then came back a bit a week later and also all my pregnancies have been different with different symptoms so try to think positive x
There shall be lost says the Lord of Host, whatever He has given you is permanent and glorious to our fear not,you will not miscarriage in Jesus name
I destroyed and I bind every spirit of miscarriage,from today everything is working out for your good