Hi this is my first pregnancy and my first pregnancy test it was negative and I started getting morning sickness And also Throwing up and everything my second pregnancy test was a line with the shaded line and today I turned seven weeks but I honestly don’t know if I’m pregnant or not I don’t have any other symptoms no more sometimes I get morning sickness but sometimes I don’t and I don’t feel my baby hopefully y’all could help me out
Need help with pregnancy : Hi this is... - Pregnancy and Par...
Need help with pregnancy

Take another test and if your in doubt ask your gp for a blood test.
When I was pregnant with my daughter I got a faint positive had tons of cramps I felt like crying from them it was bad but it's just the stretching. The faint positives are positives I called the 1800 number on the box when I was pregnant just to make sure and the recording says a faint positive is a positive. Call the 1800 number and see for yourself 😁. Congrats🎊🎉

Thank you a lot for the help and well when I the pregnancy test it was first negative But I wanted a lil but longer then I seen the fainted line
If it came up with in 10 minutes of taking it then it was postive.when the test starts to dry it will show a pink line sometimes if ink got stuck on the waterline it doesn't show when it's wet just when it starts drying. If it was out of the time frame of taking it it was possibly just a false positive from the ink getting trapped. I say wait another week and then take another that weekend. If your not in any severe pain you can wait it out. Im waiting until the end of the month so 2 months will pass no period.

So you think I should just wait two months and if I don’t get my period then I am pregnant but my cycles are not regular also so yea I’m just 17
If your first period didn't come wait for the 2nd one then if it doesn't come go. When I was 16 my mom brought me to the doctor because my period didn't come they didnt test me or anything they just said wait and see if it comes. My mom swore I was pregnant. I didn't even have a boyfriend and I was still a virgin. Shows how much she knew her own daughter. It hurt my feelings but I'm over it . Give it time unless you feel your pregnant for sure. A blood test will confirm and if that's not positive you can always ask for a ultrasound.
When I had my daughter I waited until I was 2 months to go to the doctor anyway it shouldn't hurt. Take a prenatal vitamin and drink plenty of water. Eat foods that have a good amount of folic acid

Where would I get those vitamins at and what kind food
You can buy them at a grocery store a drug store Wal-Mart if you have Wal-Mart a vitamin store anywhere you can always ask a pharmacist in the store to get them for you if you cant find them just ask for prenatal vitamins
That's really all you need until you see a doctor
They help your baby get the vitamins it needs and help with their development. Make sure the baby stays healthy. Don't smoke drink or take medications dont drink to much caffeine a little to none is the best with caffeine

Okay thank you a lot nobody really knows I’m pregnant but just me and my boyfriend so I really don’t know wat to do
Don't get into trouble. That's your baby make sure you take care of it and yourself. Don't stress. I'm sure your baby will be beautiful. I pray you will be able to tell your family without any fear or disappointment.

Thank you