Does anyone having an induction before their due date? I don't know what is induction as it's my first pregnancy and told you will be getting induction?
Induction : Does anyone having an... - Pregnancy and Par...
I've had IVF and theyve said I'll likely be induced on my due date if I havent already started (due to placenta not working well after 40 weeks, as they know the exact date of conception).
Basically they give you medications to start your labour. As its obviously medically started, your body is not naturally ready to give birth. It can take longer than a spontaneous labour and I've heard isnt very pleasant in comparrison.
Have you been told you will be induced, and why?x
Hi sanlare,
I was induced at 36 weeks as the baby wasn't growing and was very small. They gave me steroid injections so the lungs would develop and I was in hospital from the start of induction until after I had the baby 2 days later. I had a pessary that lasted 24 hours, then another one over I think 7 hours. I had like contractions from the 24 hour one to soften the cervix for a few hours. I then had a sweep and labour started soon after. I had my waters broke and the hormone drip got labour moving quick. My baby boy was born within 6 hours. This was my 2nd labour. If you want pain relief make sure the midwives are aware tho as I left it too late x
Hello yes I'm booked in for induction at 38 weeks because of my age (I'm 40) and I have gestational diabetes. Who told you about induction was it hospital doctors? I believe they can tell you what they advise but it's your decision x
I had an induction on my due date only 12 days ago! (Little one is 11 days old today)
I know it wasn't early but it was done due to him being too small, they wanted to monitor the birth start to finish incase he became unwell or in distress.
I went in to be induced at 6pm on a Saturday, and he was born 7:30pm Sunday night! I had a small tablet inserted behind my cervix to help it soften, which began some weak contractions for me, I then had another tablet 6 hours later (around 1am), which made these contractions really intense, despite only being 1.5cm dilated. At 9am I was examined again and they found that they could just about break my waters, after this I began my labour and went to the labour ward around 11am, and my son was born as I said at 7:30pm.
In all honesty the only difference between the induction and normal is that the induction process can be a little uncomfortable, however, you know you are in good hands start to finish of your labour!
Any questions feel free to ask me!