Has anyone got any good ideas for things I can try to entertain my little boy at home?
He’s just turned 2 and is very active. He likes cars, running around and climbing.
Unfortunately his dad has (against my wishes) let him watch TV whenever he wants and now it’s all he wants to do. I’ve tried to restrict it but now end up giving in and letting him because otherwise I’m just the bad guy all the time and it just feels like all I’m doing is trying to distract him from the TV. He doesn’t ever sit down to watch it and is always running around or dancing. His favourite thing to watch is action songs and he’s actually learned quite a lot from it but it still really upsets me and I want to be a better parent than this 😭
He used to constantly come to me with books, asking me to read and now he never does.That was the only time he’d sit down!
He will play with his cars and garage for quite a while but has to have the TV on at the same time. He’s also recently started playing with some animal figures which can keep his attention for maybe 10 mins. I’ve tried crayons - sometimes he’ll do this for about 2 mins then bored. Was completely disinterested in painting.
I know the best thing to do is to take him out and about where there’s no TV but obviously that’s quite difficult at the moment.
Would be good to get some ideas of things I can try that will distract him for a bit without spending loads of time and money preparing it in case he doesn’t engage.