A bit of a silly question but I’m using a period and ovulation tracker because I am TTC I’m just wondering when everyone marks there period has ended? Towards the end of my period I get brown bloody discharge. Does this mean I’m still on my period? And do I mark my period has ended when everything’s completely clear of blood? Thank you x
When do you know your period has fini... - Pregnancy and Par...
When do you know your period has finished?

Hey Chel, I use the Clue app as you can mark the level of blood rather than just being on your period. Towards the end, you can mark it as spotting rather than actual flow x
Thank you kibo. I use an app called Premom don’t think it has that option to just put your flow. Would you class brown discharge as still on your period if I can’t record my flow. And then when it’s completely blood free that’s the end X
I don’t count spotting or discharge as my period so no I wouldn’t x
Brown is old blood therefore not your current flow x
I have the same issue but at the beginning of a period.
I get pink spotting a few days before my period starts then I get a few days of bleeding and then either my period ends and that’s it or my period ends and then I get dark spotting.
I don’t count either spotting as part of my period as I never used to get this before I gave birth.
Since giving birth my periods are just all over the place so I use two different apps.
Ovia app allows you to jot down spotting and the colour it is (pink or brown) and also your flow (light medium heavy) whilst Flo app it has spotting but that’s it.
I used Ovia before I had my baby but I didn’t record all details all the time, this time around though I’m jotting a lot more details like my moods and cervical mucus in between periods.
All the best x