Ok so I'm 37 + 1 with 1st baby and thinking how do you know if you are going into labour? I know people say it's like period pains but I didn't really get period pain, plus its 9 months since the last one!! Kind of hard to remember what with being pregnant and all! Any way... I have been feeling like a little sharp stabbing in my belly all over in different areas, no show or braking waters but I know they don't go for everyone! Do you think this may be things getting started? Just random twitches or even my imagination? X
How do you know!?!?!: Ok so I'm 37 +... - Pregnancy and Par...
How do you know!?!?!
Would it be fair to liken a "sharp stab" to a tightening? If they're random and uncomfortable rather than painful then they're 'probably' Braxton hicks.
I know this is the most annoying thing to say because people said it to me, but you *will* know when it's real! I had a slow stop/start labour for weeks before the main event and my waters didn't go either but I knew the difference. If I could describe early contractions it would be a dull ache all over your bump which has a definite start and end point - I'm sure everybody is different though! Start timing them if they're coming reasonably regularly (download a contraction timing app for ease). They will start building in intensity and start to come more regularly and feel like you imagined them too after a while - its those early beggars that confusing!
If you think they might be early contractions go straight to bed! Sleep as much as you can while they're mild, you will thank yourself later! Lots and lots if luck for whenever it starts
My first I was induced waters broke over the loo, thank god lol and 3 hours later out he came. 2nd I had a sweep around 3pm as I was a week over around 6-7 pm started with back ache so I had a bath to relieve the pain. Whilst drying my mop of hair I was getting Braxton hicks only this was start of labour I just went to bed and at 1am my hubby said think we best ring the hospital as I had been squeezing his hand quite often lol, my little girl was born just before 6am ;-).this is now my third time, on and off for days I've had Braxton hicks my belly goes really tight and the pain is in my sides like a stitch after running. So I had a bath and they disappeared. I think you'll know when labour has started the pains won't disappear you,ll realise you had them for a few hours and they will slowly get more intense and more frequent. Think that's why with my second I really took time to dry my hair and straighten it lol looked great on the photos.
Yeah they are tightening I'd say, my Braxton hicks have been more like uncomfortable random phases where belly goes rock hard! This is very different they are fairly frequent but sometime last seconds and other times a bit longer and seem to be at a similar time as to when baby has a wiggle! I had a good sleep last night so slept through them no problem that's what makes me think it's not labour because they are so manageable. I do know babys head is very low though. Had a scan on Tuesday to check growth again and he was so far down she couldn't measure his head! Maybe this is just everything `getting ready` this would be so much easier if we were developed with a little light that went green when it's happening!!! Lol x
I was in the same position as you with my first and i wasnt sure of i knew when it was real or not as i could time the braxton hicks contractions and they were every 3 mins for hours so i thought it was the real thing and called the hospital. I spoke to the midwife who told me if i could talk through the contractions, it wasnt labour. It confused the hell out of me at the time as i thought surely she wouldnt know just by talking to me on the phone. Exactly 24 hours later, i knew what she meant! Real contractions started and my god did i know the difference - i called the hospital but had to pass the phone to my dad as i had to focus on the pain during the contractions and couldnt talk or think clearly at all - they were agony! - dont let that scare you, i soon found out why i was in so much pain from the start - my son was born just hours after his due date weighing a whopping 10lb 6oz causing unbearably strong contractions for 24 hours before they realised he was stuck due to his size.
You will know the difference when the real thing kicks in, its easy to get paraanoid of all the aches and twinges and tightenings at the end of pregnancy let alone the constant back ache but labour is different and the build up of contractions is consistent over a period of hours letting you know that its time to call the hospital. Good luck hun x
Thanks so much for all your advice! Feel much better now! Do hope he makes an appearance soon! Can't wait!! Good luck to you all x
Thanks so much for all your advice! Feel much better now! Do hope he makes an appearance soon! Can't wait!! Good luck to you all x
Thanks so much for all your advice! Feel much better now! Do hope he makes an appearance soon! Can't wait!! Good luck to you all x
Thanks so much for all your advice! Feel much better now! Do hope he makes an appearance soon! Can't wait!! Good luck to you all x
Thanks so much for all your advice! Feel much better now! Do hope he makes an appearance soon! Can't wait!! Good luck to you all x
Thanks so much for all your advice! Feel much better now! Do hope he makes an appearance soon! Can't wait!! Good luck to you all x
Don't worry you will know when things are happening. Rather than trouble yourself with the prospect of labour, I'd recommend you try to indulge yourself with the small things that make you happy and relaxed, after all the clock is ticking and your baby will arrive soon enough.
This is a good time for reaffirming your bond with your partner and reflecting on the amazing growth of your baby during your pregnancy. All first time mothers are bombarded with stories of childbirth, however the actual birth process is short relative to the length of pregnancy.
The more you enjoy these last few days of pregnancy and the more relaxed you can be about the birth process the better chance you have of faring well during the process our bodies are designed for. At this stage you can choose to use raspberry leaf tea for uterine toning, maybe discuss this with your midwife. (I found rlt very effective with no.2). I wish you the very best