So, one week to go until EDD. I would expect my brain not to be on top form. I've started leaving myself notes everywhere and have three calendars with everything important on and post it notes on the fridge. Started having actual big contraction pains yest (no other signs and still not regular) so bit hopeful might have some more today and more regular. However they were more on one side than the other which is a little alarming, was like part of my right side was numb. But have anaesthetist today at the maternity unit so will ask about it then.
Anyway that's side tracking. Got a phone call off my mum asking if had answered my gran about a text, which I had completely forgotten I'd got. If don't answer things at mo people keep checking up to see if I'm in hosp yet. Most conversations at mo go 'any sign yet.' then get disappointed 2 mins conversation before they remember were doing something important and say bye. So rang my gran (who in early stages of dementia) and actually had quite a long conversation. A bit random as a lot of things she was telling me were repeats or didn't quite make sense, but was nice. Then asked how I'd got on at hospital. What hospital? Had a look at calendar - had totally forgotten had anaesthetist today!!!! She'd just got her days confused, I'd forgotten completely! Hospital 40mins away and at mo I just couldn't have made the bus journey on my own. Thank goodness for OHs family is all I can say. Without them would really be stuck. When said to my OH he just shook his head, and set an alarm on my phone so I remember later. Wish could say that was patronising but I know by this afternoon I will have forgotten again! Maybe can get away with baby brain and blonde as an excuse?? x