Hi, we are nearly 4 months old, we been having mild reflux from maybe week 4 or 6. But she was still gaining weight so we did not worry too much. We got gaviscon that GP prescribed, but found it difficult to give so we just monitored her weight gain and left it. But due to this lockdown, we cant go and weight her regularly so we start to give her 1 bottle of formula a day and mix that with gaviscon as we worrie that she might bot be getting enough food. She takes the bottle very well and eats 120-150ml. Doesnt spit up at all after and looks happy, but later in the day she just seems cranky and fussy. Is that normal? Is there something we need to look for? What to expect?
Introducing formula to breastfeed baby. - Pregnancy and Par...
Introducing formula to breastfeed baby.
Hi DaddyE,
Why do you think now that she is suddenly not getting enough from breast milk, if it was not an issue before now? You could weigh her using a regular scale if you have it. Is she spitting too much after nursing and less after a bottle? Mild reflux is nothing to stuff the babies' with medicines. And try pouring some liquid on the fabric, say one or two tablespoons, which is totally fine for babies to spit up, you will see, how little liquid you need to think it's a crazy amount.
Normally after 3 months old the babies' valve in the esophagus is matured and they start naturally spitting less.
The fussiness in the evening might have lots of different causes, hunger is only one of them. We thought that our daughter was hungry in the evenings and stuffed her with formula which was making her even fussier. I think now that she was sleeping way too little, wish I knew back then about the norms of sleep and wake up times for different ages. Google the charts, maybe sleep is the issue and not the hunger.
And beware: by supplementing with formula the milk supply would decrease. And sometimes when they are going through a growth spurt, they might hang on the boob a lot, thus upping the milk supply for their needs.
When breast feesing,she eats for very short time and when burped, she doesnt go back on breast. With bottle she doesnt spit up at all, but with breast , constantly! We now think, that she doesnt latch properly, because she not only spitting up but burping all the time aswell, we stopped giving gaviscon after 2 days.
I would work on the latch for sure, maybe watch some videos on the topic from some lactation consultant. I would suggest one with a demonstration, but it's in Russian, though you see how it's done. Basically the nipple has to be placed above the baby's mouth, so she opens it wide. And the lower part of the areola should be more inside the mouth then the upper.
BTW, one great technique to help baby get more milk in one feeding is breast compression: squeezing the breast gently but firmly like a burger and letting it go when the baby stops gulping. Can repeat at different angles.
Hope that helps.
At 4 months old babies get distracted very easily while on the boob - it's the sign that they are developing.
I'm not sure, but try burping her on the breast only in the end. My daughter is almost 8 months and still burps once after a meal :)))