Hi everyone. This is the 1st time posting. I am 28 years old. I had my 2nd son in January and I have suffered from very bad dissastis recti (torn stomach muscles) I find alot of things difficult to do. I can't get to physio due to the current situation we are all in. I have had a tubby grip sent to me with a couple of exercises to do daily. I have been doing this but no improvement. I also feel very heavy down there and I fear it may be a prolapse. I had a long difficult labour and had to be put on oxytocin and ended up getting a forceps delivery (I also had forceps with my 1st 10 years ago) but never felt like this. I can feel the pressure more down there when I cough, sneeze etc. I am not sure if it's to do with dissastis recti or if it might be a prolapse or even if it's normal. Please help 😔.
I am new here. Has anyone suffered fr... - Pregnancy and Par...
I am new here. Has anyone suffered from dissastis Recti? I also think I may have a prolapse as I feel heavy down there.

Look up One Fit Mama if there is one in your area. They have a Core class which focuses on healing your pelvic floor and core muscles. Very gentle and it works it fixed my DR.
Download (and pay for) the NHS squeezy app. It's the best pelvic floor muscle trainer I've used.
Hi, thank you for your reply. I have went and bought the kegel 8 to help with my pelvic floor which seems to be working it's more my DR that's really bad. When I went for my 6 week check up the nurse said it looked like I have had twins and she said that it's really bad. Unfortunately I don't have anything like that where I live and can't get to physio until this pandemic is over.
I suffered from really bad distasis recti and I looked 8 months pregnant even 18 months after giving birth. My tummy would dome in the middle when I sat up. I have just finished 12 weeks of MUTU which is a program specifically designed to fix pelvic floor issues and distasis recti. I was really sceptical but I have closed up my gap and my stomach no longer domes. I feel like I have a much stronger more stable core so I would really reccomend it.
Hi, Thank you so much for your reply it sounds amazing. I am glad you managed to fix it. What is MUTU and where would I find it? I got a tuby grip sent to me from physio am I better wearing it while doing exercises or do you think I am better to leave it off?
It's a work out program designed specifically to help women heal after having children. You have to pay for it but I am pretty sure they have regular sales and I didn't pay full price for mutusystem.co.uk/ it only has exercises that are safe to do. I don't know about the tuby grip it's not something I have used. I found the things given by the physio didn't really help but they were a generic physio instead of one that specialised in this sort of thing.
Thank you so much that's really appreciated. The physio I have been sent to is just generic aswell. They have given me 3 exercises to do daily and the tuby grip but I have had no improvement at all. My gap is quite big so I am willing to give anything a go right now. Thank you so much for your reply.
Katy Bowman from Nutritious Movement is a mine of information and has a book called Diastasis Recti and loads of free blogs and podcasts you can listen to meanwhile!
I have diastasis recti I’m one month and one week postpartum and it feels heavy down there too! Was way bad when I first had my girl but it’s better now as I wear my belly band and my ab muscles heal!