My baby is two months old on Tuesday and I think she’s teething!! I’ve been told that babies can teeth as early as 6 weeks old! She’s flushed cheeks, chewing her fists, dummy, bottle and not feeding from me very well anymore! She is very unsettled! This all started yesterday so have been giving her calpol. Any other suggestions??
Teething! 😩: My baby is two months old... - Pregnancy and Par...
Teething! 😩
Sounds like she's in leap 2 (Google wonder weeks if you've not heard of leaps. I hadn't til k read it here!!! Sometimes they're a little off but a lot of the time they're frighteningly spot on!) Leap 2 is around 8 weeks and includes being clingy, increased crying, demanding more attention, loss of appetite and chewing on stuff. I remember when my LO was about 3 months and started dribbling and chewing like a trooper and I suspected teething, I read it was just actually a very normal developmental stage. He got his first tooth at 6 months 🤷 Having said that all babies are SO different!!! Good luck xxx
Teething is entirely possible this early (apparently babies can be born with teeth?!)....been going through the same, pretty sure my LO started at about 4 weeks (she’s now 13 weeks) as she started drooling excessively and chewing her fists a lot and getting agitated. Having recently taken her to the doctor with suspected oral thrush, he confirmed she was teething after looking in her mouth. Though teeth won’t be actually visible for a while yet!
I have used paracetamol on a couple of occasions when I thought she was suffering. I tried some teething toys but I think they’re too hard for her. Tried a dummy but not successful. The thing which seems to have kept her happiest is sucking on the soft toys hanging from her play gym or on my hand or hers. She seems easy to distract though as well. I’ve also used a screwed up bit of muslin which she chewed for a little bit. Not sure what else to suggest as I’m still learning too!
There are teething gels but not sure what age you can use them from. If you’re having trouble feeding (I have had this too) I would suggest talking to health visitors as they have been really helpful and supportive for me x x