I have a 12 day old baby girl it looks as if she’s teething is this normal and how can I help her not be in pain x
Teething at 12 days : I have a 12 day... - Pregnancy and Par...
Teething at 12 days

What symptoms make you think so?
I was told teeth can move up and down up to 12 times before they come through, so they could be causing her pain. Some friends swear by amber teething necklaces or anklets, the baby just wears them (doesn’t chew them), I used an amber anklet with my second child and it seemed to help, but there’s no scientific evidence it does anything! Make sure you buy from a reputable retailer.
12 days is very young to start teething... what makes you think she's teething?
I would be careful of amber necklaces as they can be a choking/strangulation hazard
She's not teething Hun. Maybe try the doctor?
Congratulations with your new born.
Regarding teething, does anyone in your family had their teeth at very young age? Some babies are born with a tooth so I wouldn't dismiss the possibility . Can you speak to your health visitor or gp? They can check her gums and give you some tips how to help her.
My friends baby was born with some teeth I wouldn’t rule it out but if I’m honest I’d get your baby checked out by health visitor, doctor or midwife 😊