Hi eveyone im 31 weeks, had a scan yesterday and my little girl is head down, ive been told to start packing my hospital bag... but not sure what to put in it... ive only got 8 weeks to go and im worrying cause im struggling to the nesscery items due to people over buying...
What to put in your hospital bag - Pregnancy and Par...
What to put in your hospital bag

I went in for an induction so I knew I could potentially have a longer stay than usual and was in for 4 days
I packed
For myself:
3 pairs of pyjamas
A dressing gown
Nursing bra
Then tons of maternity pads, the hospital did provide them on the first two days as I needed thicker ones
Disposable underwear
As many snacks as possible and sweet drinks
Toiletries - toothbrush, toothpaste, roll-on, cream, conditioner, scent-free shower gel
Phone charger
Your birth plan
For baby
Couple outfit changes - babygrow/vest
An indoor hat
A big pack of nappies & wipes
If you’re planning on taking the baby home in a car seat - pram suit or big coats aren’t safe so I needed a cardigan to put on baby while in car seat
Just to let you know, my baby was head down from earlier on as well. Ended up lasting until 42+2 weeks and getting induced and failed sweeps 😂 So be prepared but also don’t worry x
As above but I would say nightie just in case you have a c section, . Definitely big big pants and lots of maternity pads x
Thanks everyone at the minute im struggling to buy the important thing cause everyone is over buying so im struggling getting everything for the me and my little girl... every time I go to the supermarket they hardly have any of the things I need, and its a really stressful time with whats going off
If you’re struggling to buy things mention it to your midwife, the hospital may be able to provide the essentials such as nappies & maternity pads. I can see currently on amazon etc that most of the things I mentioned are out of stock which must feel a bit like a nightmare but just try not to panic and stay as relaxed as you can x
You can also get pre packed maternity hospital bags on eBay x
So apart from the kitchen sink, the for me... Ive packed:
2 nighties
soft bed socks
7 pants
10 disposable pants
heaps of maternity pads
heaps of boob pads
flip flops
phone charger
bobbles and hair flipa
bikini top
face towel
body towel
antibac wipes
face crram
lip cream
quilted toilet roll!
andrex wipes
spritz for bits
jaffa cakes, flapjacks, pringles and lucozade and uno! ❤️
Maybe this is a personal thing, as I've not seen it on any other hospital lists online, but I found a little handheld mirror really useful. I had a couple of stitches, and with all the bleeding found it really tricky to work out how to keep everything clean down there without being able to see what I was doing! Plus I found it reassuring to have a little look and see things weren't as bad as they felt!! But other people I've mentioned that to said they wouldn't have wanted to see, so that's clearly personal preference!!
Below is the list of the things I packed in my hospital bag last year. I ended up using less than half of them probably but I only stayed for 12 hours after giving birth and what you need will vary depending on how long you stay and the type of birth you have. I packed some things in case I had to be moved to the delivery suite (I gave birth at the midwife led unit).
If you don't mind me asking, what kind of things are you struggling to find? Maybe someone in here knows where you can find those things?
I have some stuff like a tens machine etc. But the odds of us living in the same area are pretty slim..
3 or 4 1st size vests
3 or4 1st size sleepsuits
3 or 4 0-3 MO vests
3 or 4 0-3 MO sleepsuits
3 muslins
1 oufit for going home
1 cellular blanket
2 hats (1st will get ruined)
1 pack nappies
Cotton wool
Scratch mitts
1 warm outer layer (remove before going in car seat)
1 ready-made formula? Hospital can provide
x1 socks or booties
Car seat
Lip Balm
Eye mask + ear plugs
Bin bags for dirty clothes
Disposable+black knickers
Pillow (preggers one)
Flip flops
Phone charger
Hospital notes
Open-fronted nighties
1 PJs with trousers
Toiletries (mosituriser, shower stuff, deodorant)
Toothbrush + toothpaste
Light dressing gown
2 or 3 Breastfeeding bras
Hairbands/Head band
Baby wipes (for me)
Water spray for face, massage oils (?)
Maternity pads
Breast pads
Comfy maternity clothes to go home
TENS machine (probably on me)
Fan (manual and electric)
Spritz for bits + nipple balm
Bikini top
My partner:
Food + drinks for both (lucozade or coconut water)
1 change of clothes (comfy clothes and shoes)
PJs or comfy clothes to sleep on
Loose change for parking and vending machines
Mobile + charger
Sources links
Its mostly just pads for after birth,and some nappies, but hopefully I can get some before may,
Anyone know if your bottle feeding what do you have to take?
In my last labour I also took a puzzle book to distract myself if awake in the night (if staying over on your own), a pillow from home for a home comfort, a hot water bottle for back pain during labour, straws incase you just can't reach the cup! and paracetamols. I've found the same about items being out of stock, I'm currently 35weeks pregnant and just starting to pack my hospital bag; I've found boots online really good, and free delivery if you spend £30 x
Hey, what sort of spritz for bits have people packed? Is it to cool afterwards?! X
I used myexpertmidwife one
It does provide a lot of relief as not only does it cool the maternity pads, it has lavender & others which promote fast healing. Oh and because down there is quite sore it’s nice to spray something onto the pad to stop it from feeling so harsh. The smell is also amaaaazing, bit pricey but I’m 5 weeks post partum and still using it