I am 34 weeks and have started organising things for my hospital bag, is it advisable to pack newborn and 0-1 month or 0-3 month clothes also incase the baby is bigger that newborn size? Also, do you have any tips for must have items? Thankyou
what size baby clothes in hospital bag? - Pregnancy and Par...
what size baby clothes in hospital bag?

I took newborn/first size. Had to send hubby out for tiny baby stuff! He was 6lb 12oz but what I'd taken wad huge on him!! It's so hard to tell. I'd takes a few sizes, and if needs be just send someone out to get something else if you need it! Xx
I just had 0-3 but they were bit big..up to 1 month or newborn will b fine. My son is 12 weeks and weighs 13lb and still fits in up to 1 month babygros frm m & s so dont worry they will b big enough xx
I went 0-3 mnths as bump was charting big. Lucky too as he was 9lbs 6oz!! Ha x
I had some newborn sleepsuits but most clothes I bought were 0-3mths. As CarolineDarz said above, my baby was also measured big in the womb....but they were wrong and he was only 7lb14 lol. Still he was only in newborn baby stuff for about 2 weeks or so. I didn't buy many small bits at all really x
Ive just packed 0-3 in my bag. Husband said ''If it's big enough to fit into that, you've got a problem!'' ..Then I say ''But look at the size of me!'' and he walks away
My friend had a 9lber. She'd taken along a newborn babygrow and the midwife said ''Do you seriously expect me to squeeze your baby into this??'' I think it depends on how big you and your partner are too.x
The up to one month stuff shud b ok. As I said I took 0-3 and was big..my son was 7lb13. .it also depends where clothes r from.. I find tescos stuff comes up alot smaller but m & s bit bigger xx
I took 0-3 months and they were ridiculously huge on my 7lb7oz baby if I was to have another baby I think id take newborn and 0-3 as always hard to tell my friend who was simular size to me b4 geting pregnant has just had a 10lb11oz baby so newborn def would not have fit also my must haves for the hospital bag would be lucozade mainly for after birth and lots of big knickers breast pads wash stuff and comfortable clothes and for lo nappys cotton wool pads blankets vests sleep suits and mits x
God yes! I had an emergency c section so didn't have big knickers....needed them to not dig into the wound and sent my mum out to buy me some that reached under my boobs haha!! A definite must have....and iced gems. Coz they're tasty haha x
thanks for the help everyone xxx
Luxury toiletries. Chocolate treats. Comfortable clothes to come home in.