Mine is ☹️
I'm finding the social distancing so very hard on my mental well being. Obviously doing what I can to keep busy and give myself lots of distractions but no matter what I do I feel i'm slowly going downhill. I was improving with help until all this started and now with everything on hold, I can feel i'm sinking. Hard to explain to loved ones, wish I could just 'shake off' post natal depression but I can't. It's such a cruel illness.
Briefly spoke with GP today. I find such personal things so hard to explain over the phone but ended up requesting to increase my antidepressants. Now I feel like i've gone backwards, like i've failed myself somehow. Never in my life have I ever had to rely on medication but i'm trying to do what I can to keep myself fit and well. I hope i've done the right thing as now i'm on them, it feels impossible to stop them.
Sorry for the post. I didn't know where else to write things down and you have all been like my second family. Feel I really need to get things off my chest as the guilt of what's happened to me is killing me 😥
Sending love and BIG hugs to each and everyone of you ❤️💕❤️