Hi everyone, Does anyone how the process of induction of labour is? How long does it takes until labour starts? Is it sade? ....
Outpatient induction of labour - Pregnancy and Par...
Outpatient induction of labour

Hi I have been induced three times and all I can tell you is every induction is different depending on how quick or slow you progress the quickest I was at 11am and holding a baby by 4pm the slowest I was induced at 9am and not holding a baby until 6pm three days later. It tends to be longer with first baby’s sorry but I don’t want to lie (remember everyone’s experience is different!). Day one they monitor you for 30mins put a pessary inside you monitor again then you are free to walk around the hospital they keep an eye on you if by the end of the day no progress you can go home. Day 2 generally a second pessary wait for progress depending on progress ( and space on labour ward) they might break your waters. Again depending on speed of progress they may then put you on the drip to progress your contractions. It’s not a present experience but no birth is really! But it’s definitely worth it to hold your baby at the end. Good luck I hope it goes well xxx
It might be too late for the person who's asked this question but I'll reply anyway for someone else to have a read. My wife who is 41 week and 5 days pregnant has been induced today at Northwick Park hospital. We didn't really had any choice or say because they're still restricting husbands (due to Covid although these restrictions have been formally listen off) and we were asked to go with the balloon induction. The midwife tried inducing the balloon but the attempt failed. Twice. She then went ahead with the pessary based induction. They have been monitoring the baby and my wife's alone at the hospital as I type this message anxiously at 2 am from our home.