Morning all,
So the decision was to admit into hospital on Monday, due to baby measuring large and extra fluids for induction. All was well, had the tablet (tampon thing) put in which lasts 24 hours. Had this removed on the Tuesday and they then put me on a 12 hour break as baby heart rate was increased. Wednesday morning, I had the dissolvable tablet put in that lasts 6 hours, and then a further one put in at 6pm last night taking me to midnight.
I am now waiting to see the doctor, to see what the next steps are but 4 days, in a room on my own without my partner and what feels like no progression I am seriously losing the will to live. I appreciate the outcome is that I will be holding my darling little boy at the end, and trust me when I say I cannot wait but it doesn't seem like they care less that it's been 4 days, my waters still havent been broken and I am not in labour yet.
Anyone else feel like this when they went through it? DRAINED.