I have to travel for work. If I get pregnant can allowances be made? Can I get sacked? What s the score?
Travel : I have to travel for work. If... - Pregnancy and Par...
You can’t be sacked they can’t do that. If you do get pregnant then you need to speak to your work and discuss your issues with travel and maybe come to an agreement over things. Good luck x
What sort of travelling do you have to do and how would it affect your pregnancy?
Uk based or to Scotland or wales
Are you based in England? The UK includes Scotland and Wales. If you're based in England I can't see an issue travelling within the UK that would be detrimental to your pregnancy as long as you were well. I've known people travel all over the world while pregnant,until quite late in their pregnancy.
Work places in the UK have to do a risk assessment when you're pregnant which would need to look at travel if this is part of your job. So if you needed extra stops on a car journey or help carrying equipment they would need to factor this in.
Forums like this can only offer you peoples opinions though so you're better off checking your rights on here.
I think it really depends on why the travel would be an issue. I travelled internationally for work until 29 weeks and it was never a problem apart from being less comfortable?
You can’t get sacked for anything Related to you being pregnant but you can mutually discuss amendment of duties or a change of role. It depends on your role but you could look to see if your travel is essential ie if your travelling to see customers/clients then maybe consider Skype/video conferencing instead. Although like the others have said as long as you have a healthy pregnancy travel isn’t really considered unsafe as long as you don’t over do it. You’ll likely feel a lot more tired than usual so just be aware of that when planning your routes and travel. X