Hi ladies... just wondered what you were all getting your babies for Christmas. I’m stuck... don’t want to go over board but want him to have a great 1st christmas 🎄 😘😘
Xmas pressies for 9 month old - Pregnancy and Par...
Xmas pressies for 9 month old

For my LB first Christmas we bought him a piggy bank and books. We wrapped up random things like nappies and baby wipes so it looked like he got more in photos but he actually didn’t get very much. For me I didn’t see the point in spending a fortune when he wouldn’t remember it, and in the end he only wanted to play with the wrapping paper and packaging anyway. I do however understand why people do, it was just our preference. Whatever you decide I’m sure you will have a fab Christmas x
My LG will be 9 1/2 months at Christmas. We not getting her much as she won’t understand, but she will definitely be into everything. But also want to spoil her.
I wanted too get her a ball pit, but we don’t really have the space, so we have spoke about a toy box with her name on. We have already got her Christmas dress, books, a teddy, plate and bowl.
I did buy her a Christmas Eve box the other day, I just had too.
My parents have brought her a walker xx
A toy box... that’s a great idea and would suit me just fine as I don’t have the space for all his toys to be everywhere lol.... sounds like your so organised I haven’t brought him anything yet... what sort of books have you gone for? 😬😬
we have got an area in lounge for all her toys, but just looks so untidy, so a toy box will be perfect for her and she will have that for such a long time aswell.
As for books, I’ve just got her a little Sophie the giraffe and petter rabbit books, from Debenhams and a chinese as book from Aldi.
I love too be organised for Christmas, I will put Christmas dress, book and pyjamas in her Christmas Eve box.
I’ve got her so many clothes all washed and ironed, I can’t wait for her 1st Christmas xx
Ahhhh that’s so sweet... I need to get organised... when I’m working I would have started by now... but less money is making me anxious 😬😬... and this will be the best Christmas ever but with less money to spend 😂😂🤔...do you mean you’ve washed and ironed all her Christmas outfits?
Yes, she has eczema and I find if we don’t wash new clothes, it flares up. So all new clothes we have too wash.
Yes being on maternity pay, is rubbish especially with Christmas coming up, but like you say, will be the best Christmas ever.
Are you having a tree up? Think we aren’t having 1 this year as LG will be going for it. I’m gutted about not having 1, but we have said we could have a small 1 on our tables. xx
Why you not have a tree... is it safety for the little one? I’m only going to have a small tree this year to be honest..... ahhh bless her... I still wash all of his new clothes not sure when I’d stop lol... perhaps you could get a small tree and maybe put something around it so she can’t access it maybe?
My LG was 10 months last christmas and she wasn’t bothered by the tree at all. I would do it this year if I were you as I feel we are going to have trouble keeping her away this year 🙈 x
Last year when my LG was 10 months we got a baby walker, little tikes activity garden which we kept inside as we only have a flat, lots of books like “that’s not my”, wooden toys, bath toys, stacking cups, beat bo, collectible coin off royal mint just as a keepsake which I’ll do every year, my dad got that pink talking fisher price chair and she loved it and still does. We went a bit mad but I couldn’t help it 🙈 xx

I have seen those chairs, they look so good. And have been thinking about getting 1 aswell x
My little girl will be 8 months at Christmas we’ve bought her one of those trikes with the handle? (Not sure if they’ve got a name 😂) x
My little boy will be nearly 5 months (20w5d) at Christmas, we've just got him a teepee with animal pictures on it, to go with the jungle theme in his bedroom. He probably won't appreciate it just yet, but what child doesn't love a tent?
Ive bought my little girl books so I can read to her and buying her a CD player and audio books. I'm also buying her different sensory lights and toys she can use when shes older and clothes. I know she will be more interested in the paper but I just cant help my self my little girl will be 9 months at Christmas. You just have to get what you can afford I'm buying stuff she will need when shes older so its not wasted xx
My little one will be 9 and half months at Christmas. We will have a Christmas Eve box with her pjs, a Christmas book and dvd (the Snowman as it’s a tradition for me to watch it on Christmas morning).
Then for Christmas presents we have got her some books, ducks for the bath, a fisher price stacking blocks set, the fisher price pull along telephone and then a wee pink car thingy to help her walk. All were got in sale in the summer (I love being organised). 🤣 For her stocking we have some chocolate coins (we will probably eat those), some baby cutlery, a new toothbrush and socks.
Really up to yourself what to get and how much to spend. We have probably spent £55 altogether. I just got her developmental toys that I would have got her regardless of it being Christmas as opposed to just for the sake of buying something. We conceived naturally while waiting for IVF treatment, she is our little blessing so I can’t wait for Christmas more than ever this year x