This is my first pregnancy, and im 37 weeks; ive really struggled with this pregnancy with the pains and tiredness.. i was hoping there was some way i could try getting this baby out as 37 weeks is considered full term.. please any advice would be helpful im just so uncomfortable and i just have so much anxiety.
Is it safe to naturally induce labour... - Pregnancy and Par...
Is it safe to naturally induce labour at 37 weeks?

Sad to say nothing really does work, baby comes when they are ready...
There are old wives tales such as spicy food, pineapple, walking up and down stairs ect
Have you tried Chinese acupuncture? I’m only 30 weeks but I know my acupuncturist has a very good success rate of bringing on labour for others further down the line so I’ll be looking to her later on if he doesn’t want to come out. Sorry to hear you’re struggling, have you told your midwife?
As much as its hard, baby will come when ready!
A lot of research has shown that babies really shouldn't be considered full term until 39 weeks. Babies can still have more issues when born at 37/38 weeks as a lot of important brain and lung development is still happening. I know at this point you will be struggling a lot, but just do your best to stick it out until baby is ready. You can do it, good luck!
It’s not cooked or it would come out naturally lol there’s not long left, you’ll feel a lot worse after baby here so enjoy the moment.

Why will she feel a lot worse when the baby is here?!
Because after birth your body needs to recover you bleed heavy for weeks, your vagina has been stretched to f you could have stitches inside and out which sting when you wee, your boobs if your not breastfeeding fill with milk are rock hard and are really sore for a few days to a week. You might get hemorrhoids also wee yourself as your pelvic floor is stretched. Or could have a c section so 6 weeks of recovery. Plus no sleep
That’s what I meant

So very much this.
This is also what they should teach at NCT classes. Maybe even have a big poster up that says this
I second accupuncture, it may or may not bring on labour but its great for anxiety
Probably not much help but I’m getting induced at 37 weeks (next week) because I’m having twins. Not sure what the normal procedure is with one baby. Maybe it’s worth having a chat with your doctor or midwife about how much you are struggling etc. X
Im so sorry this is no fun for. Your baby really needs developmental time inside Mamma. Sucking reflexe, lung and organ maturity perfect in last few weeks.
Normal labor is a collection of factors coming together to facilitate birth. If that cervix isnt softening that baby aint moving . Thats why so many women have harsh/failed inductions. All out if your control.
Please dont be tempted to try old wives remedies, some if them are downright dangerous. Save your money, can u go for a pregnancy massage, read a book, overdose on netflix.
You sound exhausted and l sympathize, please take care.
Baby will come when it’s happy and ready. Don’t rush him/her