I went for a scan for placenta check and all was good for natural birth but they did a growth scan when there and estimated baby at just over 8lbs at 36+2 weeks. They then offered me a sweep at 39+2 weeks which I accepted as close to my due date and would help get things moving but my appointment has just come through for 38+2 weeks. This is my first baby and I’m just not sure if it’s a good idea or not? Wondering if anyone has had a similar experience?
38+2 weeks sweep??: I went for a scan... - Pregnancy and Par...
38+2 weeks sweep??

I’m not a professional but I don’t think it can do any harm... about your appointment being a week earlier, in terms of giving birth anything over 37 weeks is considered full term...
My baby was measuring big, so I requested a membrane sweep at 39 weeks which they did. Gave birth naturally on the next day, all went well, no complications. 38+2 is okay, bear in mind that sweeps not always works so you might end up carrying full term. Good luck 😉
You are full term from 37 weeks so if there is a reason they want to potentially try and avoid you going past due date then I would take it.
I was measuring big with my son then he ha door put on weight so, I had a sweep
I was already 2xm dilated but it sent me into active labor
It’s just the midwives/ doctor releasing hormones that surround your cervix in the hope that your body will respond, It is nothing to worry about, it is no where near as intrusive as an induction
Good luck x
Bear in mind when deciding that the estimated weights are just that. I had a friend who had a cesarean scheduled for a large baby due to gestational diabetes who's baby turned out to be a fairly normal size at term. My baby was estimated to be on the small size and was just above average so don't panic! Apparently there's a reasonable margin for error and they often get it wrong!
I gave birth to our son at 38+3, he weighed 8lb 13oz. I was induced due to having reduced movements and him measuring big.
Personally, if I can help it, with our next baby I'd like to go into labour on my own and avoid being induced if I can.
It's everyone's own discretion Hun. They wouldn't offer it to you if they didn't think it was safe x