This is going to be a strange post. I'm 48 years old mother of 8 so I should know my body. I have been having hit and miss periods last couple 3 months apart. I had a very light almost spotting period for a week September the 24th had intercourse middle of October. 1st November I did a random pregnancy test as I do just incase where my periods are few and far between. It was in the evening and to my surprise I watched it come up positive it was a clear blue and only faint googled thought maybe it's a dye run. Well bought some Internet cheap tests and been testing and getting faint lines on most so last Thursday got a yes on digital test saw nurse on Friday she did a test came up positive then faded but told me to book antenatal but iv done test since then and they all been negative I'm feeling really stupid has anyone else had this experience and still been pregnant I am getting symptoms but also wondering whether I'm just over thinking it
Positive and negative tests - Pregnancy and Par...
Positive and negative tests

Hi. Try using a first response early result test. They really are the best. Good luck xx
You wouldn’t get a false positive you must have hormones there to trigger line. Did I read somewhere menopause can cause false positives. Maybe I dreamt it as I’m sure doctor would have said?
You may have had a chemical pregnancy. Would you be happy to be pregnant again? X
Thanks for your reply, I wasn't convinced until I had positive on the digital test as all other lines were so faint even first response, if it's there then it's beat the odds to be there and I'm quite excited at the prospect. I know I'm being silly as I don't want to book antenatal to find Im not, it's so stupid I'm going to book a appointment to see my doctor as I only saw nurse and see what she makes of it
A bit of an odd one hope you get an answer x
I’m yeah it’s a crazy thought but if you already have 8 children you are obviously a fertile mertile! How old is your youngest?
Just found this...
Post-menopausal women sometimes exhibit elevations in β-hCG that may cause the serum pregnancy test to be reported as positive; however, such patients are not pregnant. ... In summary, some non-pregnant, post-menopausal women have mildly elevated β-hCG levels without escalations in serially assessed concentrations