So my LG really is trying too roll herself over now, in bed what happens if she rolls over herself. Would she wake herself up if uncomfortable, my biggest worry is that she rolls over and face is lying downwards.
Baby rolling: So my LG really is trying... - Pregnancy and Par...
Baby rolling

Im sure she would wake up if uncomfortable. Our lb naps on his tummy during the day. He is rolling front to back but not back to front yet think that comes later, but im 100% sure when he can he will sleep on his front!
my lb started rolling over at night and im constantly up checking he is ok as he cant roll back on to his back yet so I worry hes not comfortable or he's got his face facing downwards.... I wake up more times than he does.... but its a mums job to worry xx
Try not to worry too much annh just make sure every time you put your baby to sleep it is on their back if they turn over themselves during their sleep it’s ok.i used to worry about that all the time too my baby is 8 month now he rolls both ways and when I put him to sleep he has always liked to sleep on his front as long as the cot bed has nothing restricting them,and has no extra stuff that can cause harm they will be ok baby’s learn to lift their own heads if they have trouble
My youngest Id put her to bed on her back and in the morning she'd be in a curled up ball on her front butt in the air so cute.