I know it can take a while to get pregnant after coming off the pill but I was just looking for advice and stories from other people to see how long it took them to get pregnant after they stopped contraception. I stopped taking my pill almost 6 weeks ago and I had what I'm assuming was a withdrawal bleed a week after I stopped but I've had nothing since then so I'm not sure when or if I've ovulated. I have took a cheap strip test and I'm not pregnant yet but I'd just like to know how long it took other people to get pregnant.
Coming Off The Pill: I know it can take... - Pregnancy and Par...
Coming Off The Pill

I can’t answer your exact question as I hadn’t been on the pill for years when we started TTC, however I do remember when I came off the pill years ago that it took 3-4 months for my period to settle down and become regular. They say it can take 6 months for your body to settle and be ready to conceive after stopping the pill.
Hopefully others can help answer your question, wishing you lots of luck x
It took me 3 years but that is due to other infertility factors. Some people I know fell pregnant straight away. I am also currently 6 weeks post stopping the pill and had zero withdrawal bleed but I'm still breastfeeding my first so that might be a factor aswell x
I came off the pill and was pregnant after 1 period with both my kids this time around I had a period in 30 days then regular periods and conceived in 4 mths but we’ve miscarried 3 times since then.
I had been using birth control implants for 5 years. I conceived about 3 weeks after the implant was removed. I didn't have the withdrawal bleeding or any effect related to it. I just started bleeding during the first week of my second trimester. The problem was managed and now am a mother to a little girl. I however gave birth to her 6weeks earlier.
Pretty quick here too. After 15+ years of birth control, 10 of which was the implant, I got pregnant after 6 weeks of it being removed! Good luck xxx
Thanks for your comments. I have 2 kids already and last time I conceived very quickly but I was not on contraception at all so was just looking for advice for conceiving after using contraception. It's nice to know it could happen sooner than I thought but I also know it could take a bit of time as well. Thank you ladies for your stories
It took a year for my periods to come back, which is fairly common. You’ll get there!
Hi there, I came off my pill end of April and nothing since so it’s reassuring to here to took a year for your periods to come back and of course it worries me. I know I shouldn’t panic as it takes everyone a different amount of time to return to normal.
I ended up getting a period about 2 weeks ago and now I'm ovulating according to a couple of ovulation tests. I'm hoping not to get my period but it's so hard and disappointing when you get your period. It's so hard knowing it could take up to a year to conceive and you always hope you'll be one of them that it happens really quick for don't you. I have found that this forum helps me though and it's nice talking to people who are in the same situation. I hope it doesn't take much longer for you.
One month after stopping the mini pill x