Hello. My LG has her first jabs on Monday. I have to go alone which I'm not looking forward to lol. What am I to expect? They said to give her calpol straight after but how much do i give. How many jabs will she get as by the letter it looks like 4! I'm hoping she won't cry too much as she's was very good in hospital when the heel pricked her loads. X
1st jabs! : Hello. My LG has her first... - Pregnancy and Par...
1st jabs!

I think it’s one in each arm, they do them very quick. My LG cried but only briefly. As for calpol look on the box it will tell you or just take it with you and they will advise how much xx
I thought the jabs where in the legs thats where my lb had his done xx
Your right it is their legs totally forgot, baby brain lol x
they have three jabs In the legs .... 2 in one leg and the other 1 in other leg.... they give a bit of calpol before they do the jabs...you have to hold her close to you one hand holding her arm but tucked up to you and the other hand you have to hold her leg still they should show you how to hold her.... they will give you an information sheet of how much calpol to give I think its 2.5m but they should tell you all this and what times to give.
not going to lie it is horrible I was on my own when my lb had his done and he did scream so just brace your self for whats coming.... good luck with it and hope she wont be to bad xx
Give calpol after jabs 2.5 ml every 4-6 hours, they will give you a leaflet with information on. It was 1 in each leg and a liquid form.
Not going too lie, their cry is horrible, my LG cried when needles went in and for about 10 minutes after. Nurse said babies can go off they feeding, so don’t worry if she doesn’t want her milk, mine wanted more 😂🐷.
Lots of cuddles after, just let her sleep on you, my LG was amazing afterwards, I was expecting the worst. But she cried for 10minutes, had a feed, slept for 2 hours had extra milk then slept for 3 hours, then cried for 45minutes, nothing would calm her, eventually once the calpol kicked in and had her milk she was fine, slept all night till 7. Was upset around 10ish, gave her calpol and was fine after that.
Hope it all goes okay x
Hey lovely, don't worry is the main thing. I think it's good to go alone, less stress in the room for the baby. We had first jabs 4 weeks ago and second lot yesterday. Try and relax as much as possible as they pick up on tension apparently. He did a 2 second shout and then chilled right out. I then gave him Calpol in the car straight after (you can give it before you go if you like too, don't rely on your practice/doctors providing it ours didn't, but yours might?) There's also a gastric type one and I think that may have given him a bit more wind that night but it's hard to tell if it was that or just him being him, he's a very windy baby! He had one more dose of Calpol 4 hours later and was absolutely fine. Maybe a touch more grizzly in the evening, but certainly not devilishly so. Fingers crossed it'll be the same for you.
It is a little sad for you when they do them, but keep it light and fun and happy (as much for you as for the baby!) And it's over in a second!! We had a quick feed in the car yesterday as he was a touch more grizzly than the first time, but 10 minutes of boob and he was right as rain. Keep it light, happy and (fake) fun and relax as much as you can. It's literally over in a second. Good luck lovely xxx
My LG has hers 3 weeks ago - as others have said, it’s 2 in one leg, one in the other and an oral solution. Take the calpol with you - it’s 2.5ml, our nurse gave it her for me, but I know others who were told the nurse couldn’t administer the calpol (if this is the case, they’ll still help you and tell you what to do.) I was told to give my LG 2 more doses of calpol 4-6 hours apart, although I didn’t give her the third as it was the middle of the night! Dont give your baby calpol before you go as it can affect their temperature. Your baby will scream during the injections but it’s over quickly - I don’t know if you breast feed or not but I put her straight on the boob which stopped her screaming and she was smiling by the time we left!
Thanks for the reply I worried for nothing she was asleep when they injected her and she luckily took the oral while still asleep but she screamed for about 30 seconds and fell back to sleep lol. I ended up giving her calpol once I got to my car as the nurses didn't give me time to sort it out, I think they were having all the babies in that day so she was quite busy. But my LG felt the effects 3hrs later constantly crying when moved she got really hot and sweaty so her fever had kicked in but wouldn't be put down despite getting really sweaty in my arms, so she ended up with 3 doses of calpol. But luckily the next day she was fine just a little sleepy probably from all of day befores drama.