Hi guys...
I'm after some advice. I've been told by the health visitor and the doctor to start weaning my daughter.(shes 20weeks) as the last week she's been refusing her 10am and 4pm bottles after about an ounce! She used to drink 7onz at 7am, 6 at 10am, 6 at 1pm, 6 at 4pm, 6 at 7pm and sometimes an extra 3 at 10pm but now the 10am and 4pm feeds have gone out the window. She will cry for it but after an ounce won't drink any more even if I force it down her.
So this morning at 10am I tried baby rice after forcing 2onz down her, she loved it so much she had the whole bowl. (1teaspoon of rice mixed with 10 of her usual formula) at 4pm I'm going to try her with a usual 6onz feed but if she doesn't drink it can I give her more food? I know your meant to introduce food once at day at first but seen as it's two bottles she refuses can I give two lots of food?