I've rejoined in the hope that the site sorts out all this nonsense that's going on as I really do value everyone's support and advice on this website.
Hope everyone's doing well, I have a couple questions but will just give a little update before I ask..
So Ava's 4 months old now and has her 16 week jabs later on today we've had a couple trips to hospital, first time being a meningitis scare (absolutely petrifying!) and second time she come up with blisters all over her bum the poor mite but she's all fine and dandy now
so here's questions number 1..
Ava used to drink 5 7oz bottles throughout the day but for the past 2 days has only managed to drink 2! She's well in her self and seems happy but I am slightly concerned as to why she's dropped 3 feeds so quickly. Has anyone else's little ones done this before? What could be the reason? She's also going through a bad sleeping spell and is waking up 3-4 times a night whereas before she was sleeping 8 hours straight. When she wakes her tummy is roaring because she's so hungry but yet still doesn't take much formula! :/
Anyone have any advice? It would be very much appreciated x