Hi I had unprotected sex just over a week ago and Ive been experiencing cramping and nausea. Could this mean I am pregnant? Also with implantation can you just have cramps without bleeding?
Help!: Hi I had unprotected sex just... - Pregnancy and Par...

Would like to add I also have been weeing alot more than normal
When is your period due? There is no way of telling until then, and then you have to take a test. Also, what time of the month do you usually ovulate? That is the time when you are actually able to get pregnant. It is usually 14 days before your period.
I should add that stress can cause a delay in your usual cycle so this month, as you are clearly worried and symptom spotting more than usual, your period will probably be delayed.
Too early to tell if you're pregnant. You might just be ovulating. How far away is your next period?
Hey guys not due period for another 2 weeks had slight bleeding this morning and now its stopped
So basically you are not likely to have had sex during your ovulation time. It seems odd that you had a bit of a bleed this morning. Could be irritation from the intercourse (Yes, it can take time). Was it your first time having sex? Perhaps you should look at contraception going forward. X

No wasnt my first time and we are trying for a baby so do not need contraception
Ah ok. So usually you would ovulate around 2 weeks before your period. The best way to track ovulation is to get pee stick tests, when you get the smiley line that is when you are ovulating. Ideally really you should try every other day throughout the month. It keeps the sperm fresh and means you won't miss ovulation.
Of course, cut down on alcohol and have a healthy and balanced diet with loads of fruit and veg.
Apologies for assuming you were not trying to get pregnant.
On average, if all ok and you are trying at the right time each month, it will take 3 - 6 months to have success. Hoping all goes well for you. Xx

I believe it can take most 'average' couples up to 12 months to conceive
The doctors won't start testing until you have been trying for 12 months. But, if an healthy couple with no issues try at the exact right time each month (which most couples don't actually know when is) then there is a 1 in 3 chance of success.

My point was that this is based on all factors lining up, with couples perfectly timing everything perfectly each month, which is difficult to do every month. I wanted to offer an alternative timeline so that Christiana is not worrying if it doesn't happen within 3-6 months. The statistics out there suggest that 60-80% of individuals become pregnant within 6 months; 85-90% within 12 months.
Yes, I think we are both saying the same thing. 👍
Update: period was due yesterday but started light spotting the day before and finnished yesterday morning and now I dont have any bleeding at all.