This morning I took a hpt from Poundland and got a big fat positive but have just taken a clear blue and it’s negative. ive heard that the blue dye tests aren’t as reliable. Or isn’t it too early I’m due AF on Wednesday.
Help!! : This morning I took a hpt from... - Pregnancy and Par...

Have you used fmu on all. If I was you I'd wait till at least Tuesday to do another and make sure it's fmu. Good luck xx
I think the clear blue test is invalid. If I remember right there should be a line in control window. You should check the instructions.

Oh yes I never noticed that xx
Check the instructions on both types of test for when they are valid from. Some of the cheap ones you need to be past af being due
In the clear blue one I don’t think it’s worked properly as other lady said ! All the best for the next test. I’m due my AF on Tuesday too so will do my test then if it doesn’t come then ! Good luck xx
Hello there sweetie! I hope everything is fine at your end. IF you did 3 tests and 2 were positive the odds are that the result realy is positive. However a peestick test is never conclusive. You will have to go to a hospital so they can make a more accurate test. Usually they test you HCG. That's a hormone that is released at the early stages of the pregnancy. If you have that hormon it means that you are pregnant. I am not sure how pregnancy test like the ones above work. I don't think they check the HCG level. This hormone can be found in the urine at least 10 days after the first missed period. Anyway I cannot say anything for sure. You will have to wait a little more until you know. Please let us know too when you do. I would love to see further updates from you! God bless you dear. Lots of kisses and hugs xxoo
I used those cheap ones too and I found them quite sensitive. I agree that the clear blue one looks invalid. There should be a line in the control window.
Hi sweety and congrats. I've read all the replies and they are good ones however none emphasise that the one from Poundland are more sensitive than clear blue. I would recommend to wait couple of days and do another one with your first morning urine.
Do not use clear blue yet get first response to verify pound land responce and remember that a positive test is never wrong while you can get false negatives all the time if tests are not done correctly.
Will keep my fingers crossed for you.
Proud new Mum 😘
The top two are only faint but positive. My suggestion woud be to repeat the test in a couple of days. All pregnancy tests pick up the Bhcg in the urine which doubles ever couple of days in the beginning so because your period isn't due until Tuesday I would do one after then if it doesn't arrive. Good luck.
Clearblue aren’t as sensitive. The pound shop ones are usually Detect HCG at 25miU per ml and clear blue don’t detect until there is 50miU/ml of HCG in your urine. So I’d say you’re preggers!!
Thank you everyone. Tested again this morning with another clear blue. Got a bfp 🤰🏻
Congrats x 🙂 results are the same as yours an wen I show my boyfriend he doesn't wan believe that I'm pregnant...he believe that I'm negative.