Hi I’m new here. I have recently come off the pill and am trying for a baby with my husband. I’ve been on contraception for over 8 years and haven’t had a period in that time. I was wondering how long it takes to get your cycle back in sync and how long it might take to get pregnant. Has anyone had any problems from having a long time on contraception? I’ve started taking folic acid.
Haven’t had a period in years - Pregnancy and Par...
Haven’t had a period in years

I haven't been able to stay on any type of contraceptive for more than 18 months at a time due to side effects. On each occasion my period came back within 2-4 weeks, apart from the one time I had the coil taken out and got pregnant straight away. But of course 18 months is no where near 8 years, so this isn't really a good comparison.
I'd say maybe just give it 2 months, but if you're period isn't back by then, go to the doctor. Everything will probably be fine, but I have heard of the pill sometimes disguising symptoms of polycystic ovarian syndrome. This did happen to my friend, but after she started exercising, eating healthy and stopped drinking alcohol she got pregnant and now has a lovely little boy. Good Luck!
I was on implant depo & feanolla with no periods for 9 years I got my first period in 30 days and we conceived in 4 mths at 37 but were having problems miscarrying I’ve had another 2 pregnancies after that.

Sorry to hear you’ve had such a rough time I hope things are going well for you now. I’m hoping my periods will come soon, I’ve been off the pill for a month but feeling like my ovaries are sore!
Morning! Well I'd been on the pill for about 5 years then straight on to the implanol implant for probably another 10 at least. I had it removed on 7th June and was pregnant by 15 July!! My beautiful boy was born in March 😊
I was absolutely staggered how it was possible so quickly, I thought it'd take months and months to get back into a cycle, but apparently not!
Now I don't know if it's the same for the pill but one would imagine right?
Good luck darling on your incredible journey and don't put too much pressure on yourself. Xxx
I was on the pill for 12 years. I did have periods though. I came off in feb 18 and was pregnant within 8 weeks. X
Hi, I was on the pill for 12 years but had periods regularly. We started trying for a baby 14 months ago and although my body was used to having periods there has definitely been a change in the type of period I now have. It took me around 6months to adjust and my body to find a new rhythm. The GP recommended pregnacare as it has the right balance of all the vitamins needed and I take this along side following a healthy diet and exercise. We are still in the trying phase however I think it’s fair to say everyone is different and thinking about my family & friends the majority have conceived within 8 months after taking the pill for many years. I hope this helps.
Hi I have a feeling it might be the same for us. We are both shift workers so not easy to not be stressed and tired all the time but I’m trying to eat healthy and exercise too. How old are you may I ask? I might go to the GP for advice as well. Are you taking folic acid as well? 8 months is pretty good after so many years on the pill but like you say, different for everyone. Good luck! X
I’m told not to stress daily but I have a busy full time job and my husband runs his own business so as much as I know people have the best intention when saying it to me, it’s definitely easier said than done. I have tried yoga, walking, massage and reading but switching off and relaxing is something I have difficulty with. I’m 31 and my husband is 28, the GP suggested taking pregnacare alone would be sufficient but no harm in taking extra folic acid and I have done so myself now and then. My GP won’t carry out any tests or consider next steps until we have been trying unsuccessfully for 2 years. As we’re 14 months in and starting to feel a bit sad when we aren’t the next ones to announce we’re expecting we have decided to get some tests done privately just to reassure us that it will happen or even begin to address the problem if there is one. Good luck on your journey 🍀
I'd been on different contraceptives for the best part of 11 years with no regular periods for at least the last 5. Came off in March 2018 but waited until periods returned to normal before etc. It took four months before I was in a regular 28-33 day cycle and was 77 days before my first so was going crazy. Then it took four cycles before we got pregnant! I waited until regular again before trying so could track properly. It's scary when you've spent so long trying to prevent it and not having periods then it seems almost suddenly you've switched to trying! Good luck