Hi,i need urgent advice please i stopped breast feeding my baby a month ago when he was 8 months old now he has developed sort of eczema problem not sure which food he is allergic to still findind but can i start breast feeding again i havent breastfeed for atleast a month i need advice how can i start agian?
Hi,i need advice plz i stopped breast... - Pregnancy and Par...
Hi,i need advice plz i stopped breast feding my baby a month now i want 2 start agin bec of his health issues i need help can i start again?
I don't know for sure, but I think with the correct stimulation you should be able to encourage lactation again. Have you got a breast pump? I would invest in one of those if you haven't.
Also, there are a load of foods you can eat to help with milk production. Oats, almonds. I was advised to take fenugreek supplements (bought them in Holland & Barratt), they made me stink but my milk supply increased.
As for eczema, I've heard great things about Child's Farm Toiletries, and I've used baby Aveeno products on my son.
Best of luck!
If there is a la Leche league group in your area then they may be able to help you, otherwise there is advice on this in the la Leche league handbook. The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding amazon.co.uk/dp/1905177402/...