Hi, my LO is now 8 months and isn't rolling over. He will roll to one side and to the other if he fancies but doesn't roll all the way over. We do plenty of floor time and tummy time but he just shouts and expresses his unhappiness. Am I worrying for nothing?
Baby development: Hi, my LO is now... - Pregnancy and Par...
Baby development

Speak to your health visitor at the clinic if your worried but babies do things at different stages mine were really early doing things rolling at 3 mths walking by 9 mths my cousins baby didn’t walk until around 18 mths.

Thanks, he sits up great but he just hates being on his tummy!
Yeah some babies just don’t like it, I don’t think there would be anything wrong can just mention it next time you get him weighed at the clinic
I don’t think you should worry, my sister has identical twins and one didn’t start walking until he was nearly 2 while the other was climbing up furniture, smoking cigars and speaking Spanish by the time he was 12 months. They’re 3 now and both as boisterous and chatty as each other. They just do things at their own pace on their own terms. (I may have embellished slightly about the cigars and the Spanish)
If your worried speak to your HV. My baby who is now 10 months did it around 5 months but my friends baby (same age) did roll around 6 months but then wasn’t bothered but did everything else after like sitting etc. I think some babies just hate being in their tummy xx