So I’ve posted on here before and now my partner has turned and said I need to grow up and learn some tough love about what my mil said about my child having problems because I was on antidepressants anyway. I’ve agreed for her to see her grandson once a month but I’m dreading every month already. Is it wrong for me to tell my son his grandparents were very nasty to mummy. Please don’t give me a grilling I just want opinion. I really don’t want him to have a close relationship with that set of grandparents
Stuck.: So I’ve posted on here before... - Pregnancy and Par...

Your partner should be a little more supportive. But can he not take the child to see them on the days you've agreed? I know you said they weren't very nice to you but if there nice to your child then I wouldn't stop them. My mum and my sister have fallen out and my mum doesn't get to see her grandchildren and it really upsets her. So maybe just see how it goes and see if they can take the child out so your not around them? It's so difficult when it's your partners side of the family. Good luck x
She blamed you for problems your child has because you took anti depressants? That’s horrible!
Yeah Claire she’s a dragon
Has she ever apologised?!
She messaged and said sorry I don’t understand your depression/anxiety but I’ve seen you leave your tablets laying around (there no bloody way I would) but bother for blaming me that my sons messed up cos I took antis while pregnant
This is a really tough one as I have a massive monster in law to & we haven’t actually spoken for years. I’ve always said to my hubby she wouldn’t see our baby as if she can’t be civil to me why should she be part of my child’s life, I don’t know what lies she’ll feed them.
I’m still pregnant so we haven’t actually got to a point of knowing if she would want to see our baby but I think your partners being slightly unfair saying you need to grow up. As mothers we put enough pressure on ourselves without other people especially family members making digs. As someone else suggested could your partner just take your child to see her then you wouldn’t have the added anxiety of having to see her? X
Hey hun I hope all works out for you in some sense i wanna go so I Hague control over what they say and how they behave with my son
Yeah that’s true, I hope it works out for you. I totally understand how tough the situation must be x
I just don’t understand why people have to be assholes haha can that be said on here 😂 are u having a little boy or girl
Sure can 😂 me either - after my first miscarriage my MIL said I got what I deserved because I didn’t talk to her! We’re not going to find out, we’ve waited so long for a baby just happy for the surprise. How old is your child, do they understand the situation?
There all dragons actually. I think it’s weird if ya get along with parent in laws hahah. That’s amazing hun congratulations!! He is 8 months. Who hun?! I said she can see him once a month coz she’s said she was taking us to court haha she doesn’t have a penny to her name 😂😂 but I just hope as horrible as it sounds I hope Connor dislikes them