Hi everyone
My LO of 11 months has a temp of 38.4 I just gave him calpol, he seems ok just very quiet I’m just unsure on what to do as it scares me when he gets a temp! He’s teething bad but can that raise his temp that high?
Thanks everyone
Hi everyone
My LO of 11 months has a temp of 38.4 I just gave him calpol, he seems ok just very quiet I’m just unsure on what to do as it scares me when he gets a temp! He’s teething bad but can that raise his temp that high?
Thanks everyone
Yeap teething can cause a temp/ Keep an eye on his temp if its coming down with calpol then its fine if you cant get it to come down with calpol ring someone for further advise
Temps can really make them miserable. I find my girls also got a bad cold or something when the start teething. The important thing
1. Is the temp coming down. 38.4 is high but not alarming in itself... then again I might have grown immune with my first having temps of 40 with minor illness.
2. Are they acting like themselves once the temp is down, are they eating drinking weeing?
The lullaby trust have a good app called baby check, which is handy if you want to check. Ultimately if you're not sure give your gp a call.
38.4 isn't alarmingly high. Just keep him dosed with Calpol (obviously following the dosing instructions etc). If the temp goes up even with the Calpol you can also give infant Nurofen. Teething can cause a temperature but if he has plenty of wet nappies and is eating and drinking okay and has no rash etc then he is likely to be fine. Do phone your gp if you have any concerns though. Xx
38.4 isn’t bad at all, personally I wouldn’t even give Calpol at that stage. A high temperature means the body is fighting off something and with that temperature I personally would let the body work it out.
If it gets higher or is accompanied by rash, difficulty breathing or anything else concerning, or even when you just feel your child is not quite right apart from the temperature, do get medical advice, maybe a call to 111.
Hope he’s better soon.
Anything over 38 is classed as a temperature. Give calpol/paracetamol to bring it down hun. If his temp doesn't go down then call your GP/out of hours.
Our son had a temp of 38, gave Calpol and it kept going up to 38.9. It was up and down but always over 38. After 12 hours, it was still the same, called 111 who sent us up to the out of hours doctor. Turns out he had borderline tonsilitis (if we didnt catch the infection as early as we did and left it any linger it would of been tonsilitis) and was given antibiotics.
Go with your gut hun. Mothers instinct knows best. Keep on top with Calpol and strip him down if need be. If you're worried though, call your GP x