Anyone around 5w with a temp 37.31C I feel hot on and off can’t remember being hot with prev pregnancies.
Temp : Anyone around 5w with a temp 3... - Pregnancy and Par...
37.5 and below is a normal temp lovely. Take some paracetamol and have lots of water xx
Wow have you got your BFP? I remember reading your previous posts and history.
I don’t recall being hot but that temp doesn’t sound particularly high.
I think the high levels of hormones can make you feel flushed though. Hope you’re keeping well xx
Hi yeah I sort of gave up the last 6 mths, finally emotionally came to terms with not having a baby decorated my whole house enjoyed doing it then last mth I knew I was pregnant before I even tested just had that feeling again.
My temp was around 37.3 all the time during my first trimester, I was mostly cold for some reasons, not sure why. But yeah hormones can be blamed for this. Although it's not a high temp
37.3 is a normal body temp. Pregnancy tends to make you feel warm. My husband renamed me heater as I'm always warm.
Thanks for replying I’m not hot to touch it’s like flushes tho all of a sudden I’m burning up. I was up for hours last night felt like my heart was in my throat and I get palpitations sometimes but it was pretty bad I couldn’t sleep. I’m ok this morning tho was weird.
So I’m still hot and and off I had a early scan all was good measuring 6W+5 but my blood pressure was 188/65 put it down to being anxious it dropped to 166/65 on the other arm but wondering if that why I’m hot? I didn’t ask I was too nervous at the time, I have a midwife app on Friday will ask then especially if it’s high again.
I was about this at the beginning our temp naturally rises but if concerned contact midwife
My temp is in the norm range more concerned if it’s my blood pressure it comes and goes like hot flushes but I have palpitations quite a lot I am going to mention it tomorrow thank you
I've had palpitations during mine but had a few issues before pregnancy So now have ecgs .when I did a quick google apparently pregnant women have them more due to needing to move more blood around the body I'm going to have a chat with midwife but I did get them more at the beginning are you under consultant yet?