My last period was on the 12th of March. I had unprotected sex on the 25th of March.
My current period was due around the 10/12th of April but is late (still not turned up on the 19th today).
I’ve had 5 negative urine tests and a negative blood test today.
I’ve experienced symptoms ranging from heartburn, nausea, weeing a lot more, cramps, headaches, more naps, emotional..
Even if my period was late due to stress, it’s never been more than 3 days late. I’d also like to mention that I had the contraceptive injection March last year, so my fertility would have been off for up to a year (which explains why I had unprotected sex with no consequences).
Has anyone got any stories of negative tests but a lot of symptoms? If I am pregnant I’d only be around 4/5 weeks, maybe it’s too early?
The stress is driving me insane, I can’t work and my relationship isn’t coping too well. This stress is probably prolonging any kind of possible period too.
Thank you.