Hi me and my partner are trying for another baby, lately I have been feeling really sick and tired, my last period was on 16th march, but I would like to know if it would be worth taking a pregnancy test now or not due to how I'm feeling, any advice would be grateful, thank you
Pregnant or not? : Hi me and my partner... - Pregnancy and Par...
Pregnant or not?
I think wait until you've missed a period, then take a test
Good luck x
If you’re really curious, get yourself
a First Response pregnancy test, these can pick up hormone levels really early. 10 DPO (days past ovulation) is a good time to start checking. Make sure you get a pregnancy test that picks up from 10mIU/ml - hormone levels. Hormone levels don’t start rising until implantation which is usually around 7-10 days past ovulation.
It isn’t necessary to test that early usually, so as the previous person says, just wait until you’ve missed your period if you want to avoid wasting money. However, if you are anxious to find out, you can start testing around 10DPO. Doing some basic maths though, ovulation tends to be around day 14 after your last period... so you should be ovulating right now and would certainly not have any pregnancy symptoms at this stage.
Be aware that early testing and confirmation of a pregnancy can also lead to disappointment if it turns into an early miscarriage...
Also worth noting: some blue dye pregnancy tests can have dye run, giving you a ‘false’ positive, so I’d definitet go for a red dye test - again, the First Response ones are good for that.
And finally, when I said usually you don’t need to test that early - I’ve had an ectopic pregnancy in January and need to find out when I’m pregnant again as early as possible to be monitored quickly. This is how I’ve gathered all this early testing information
So elaborative!! Yeah testing too early lead to heartbreak, been through several times. So I usually wait and then see my Obgn for a blood test or a scan to be acutely sure. A week or so passed DPO will definitely give accurate results otherwise the HTP really deceives you when you test too early. For that also, you may need to do it in the early morning urine. Good luck