Hi, based on my calendar my ovulation was on the first week of January, last 1/8 we had intercourse and he used pull out method, after a week i took pt and it was negative, and after 2 weeks i still tried to take pt just to make sure and it was still negative. I was suppose to get my period last 1/19.. and on 1/21 we had intercourse again and this time he came inside, now i’m 8 days late. Since the last time we did it, i get cramps but not like the cramps you feel on your period. It goes away and comes back few times a day.. When can i take pt again? is it possible to get pregnant even if based on what my calendar said, my ovulation was on the first week of the month?
PREGNANT OR NOT?: Hi, based on my... - Pregnancy and Par...

You can test in a week using a First Response test.
It’s always ‘possible’. Just a LOT more likely at certain times. That’s why so many people get ‘caught out’ - because they rely upon a tracking app as a form of contraception!! 😵
You only can be sure if all physical signs of ovulation are there, but not based on calendar days only and app algorithm (well, unless your period is bang on , which was before I conceived my first born. After baby it went all over the place and I got pregnant second time) some women claim to ovulate 2x a month... So chance is always there if the intercourse took a place.x
If you're 8 days late for your period you can already test.
even if we just had intercourse on the second day i was late?
If you had sex on the 2nd day you were late, you must likely would have already have been pregnant.
If you have regular cycles, then it’s highly unlikely you can get pregnant two days before your period as, after ovulation, the egg is only around for 12-24 hours and ovulation in a regular cycle will have occurred two weeks before your period, which is when you would have got pregnant.
There's a tiny chance you could get pregnant two days before your period. If you have irregular menstrual cycles, then there's a small chance you could ovulate later during your a cycle one month.
So if you had unprotected sex earlier in the month this would be when you got pregnant. Sperm can live on you for several days so if you tested 2 weeks after that time your hormone level may not have been high enough to register, which is why it's recommended to wait till you've missed your period before you test.