Hi my little boy has eczema and over the past couple weeks seems to be very apparent on his skin from head to feet and I cant seem to get control over it. I have moisturisers and hydrocortisone steroid cream. Currently I keep him in cotton clothes and moisture him 3x a day I use the steroid cream for the really bad patches but only use this up to 5 days then give his skin a break from it. I also use oilatum bath additive in his bath and avoid using any shampoos when his skin is. He did have a milk allergy but has been brilliant tolerating milk products and has been for the past 6 months. His eczema has been brilliant for # long time prior to these past couple weeks. He is also due to get his back molars and has had a cold and sickness bug in these past couple weeks. Any tips to what it may be or how to keep a hold on it would be great. Thanks😀
Eczema toddler: Hi my little boy has... - Pregnancy and Par...
Eczema toddler

Hi! I think you should take him to a dermatologist... I'm a grown woman and I have eczema since I was 4 years old, it never heals and factors that mess with immunology always make it worse... be careful with the use of cortisone... even as an adult we are not suppose to put more than 5 days in a row, I don't know how it is regarding little ones... I notice for me helps if I keep more hydrated and don't deal as much with my hands (where I have the patches) with certain foods like lemon juice or potato starch...
Hope he gets better
Bless the little guy! My 1 year old is the same, we use aveeno moisturiser and have hydrocortisone cream for bad patches. We found it only got better when we cut dairy out. Have you tried once more cutting down on dairy to see if it helps? Sickness bugs can leave babies lactose intolerant too for a while after. nottsapc.nhs.uk/media/1089/...
Hope you manage to find a solution! X

Can I ask how you ensure you get enough calcium in them when cutting out dairy? I mean that in a completely non judgey way, I'd like to try it with my lo because her eczema is bad at the moment but she loves her yogurts...
No worries! Her almond milk is fortified with calcium as is her cereal in the morning. Soya milk/yoghurts are normally also fortified with calcium. I didn’t start her on these until 1yo as they do contain salt. We also kept her on a bottle of dairy free formula per night that contains calcium and put a multivitamin in (we use wellbaby but there are loads of brands). I also used to give her tonnes of broccoli, almond butter, spinach and beans as these are calcium rich too. She’s 18 months now and I give her milk every now and then to see if she’s outgrown it and get her body used to digesting it. She mainly just gets it over her face. Hope that helps! X
It's hard especially when they're ill. My daughters eczema always gets better when it's sunny so def suggest a sunny holiday! 😆 that being unlikely possible have you upped your moisturiser? I normally use cetraben and have hydromol when it's bad... I hate it cuz it's like putting grease on but seems to work!! Also if the steroid you have is not strong enough might be worth seeing your gp as might need to go up in strength for a short period.
Have you tried the child farm products I have seen a few reviews where their child had really bad eczema and by using the products it cleared their skin really well me and my partner are about to try it on my step son as he suffers with bad when it flares up and they do all sorts of moisturisers shampoos and bubble bath also body wash it's for sensitive and eczema skin could be worth a look
I used Hydromol on my baby’s skin 2-3 times a day. It worked wonders. It was prescribed to me by the health visitor x
We use Epaderm ointment on our son skin and it's great (it's like applying grease on him, but it works). We've noticed that teething bring some flares up. No harm to use hydrocortisone on the red patch as long as it's really thin layer applied. Cortisone is a hormone so when stopping it try to stop it progressively so the body can get used to it, if you used it for 5 days, then do one every other day for a couple of days as well. I am sure what you do is already super great!
If nothing works. a GP could give you a stronger steroid cream until everything is back to "normal". Good luck!
Hi, have you tried child's farm moisturiser. You can buy it in asda or boots xx