I am 17 days late. I'm never late. I have fatigue, breasts tender off and on my clothing are tight on me i have nausea off and on cravings. Took 4 hot all negative. Could I still be pregnant??
What should I do?: I am 17 days late. I... - Pregnancy and Par...
What should I do?

Hi darling, 17 days late with 4 -ve pregnancy test... if you are planning for a baby and have done the tests properly could be that you missed your period due to stress. The best thing you can do is book an appointment to see your Dr as it could be two things pregnancy or missed period due to stress or other hormone factors so it's better that a professional run tests on you.
Thank you so much. The thing is I haven't been stressed at all. And I never miss a period. I do have a Dr appt for tuesday
Hey darling how was your appointment?
Try to relax, I understand that you don't have any stress however you are stressing about this.
Sometimes we missed periods due to a number of things without being pregnant, number one is stress number two is hormonal changes.
Just wait for the results and relax, pregnancy symptoms very rarely show this early. Also do not obsess reading articles over the net as they won't be much help and will confuse you more.
I had been in your situation before and was trying for a baby the end result apparently was that I missed my period due to stress (whatever that means cause I could swear that I wasn't stressed at the time) Hence I would advise to you to treat it as a missed period and if you are trying to convince carry on doing the act so hopefully soon you will have your little miracle, and if not trying to convince relax and your next period will come (ususally around the time you will be due for your next period)
The blood test was negative. I started my period yesterday. But im kinda worried bc every period I've ever had I spot a day before actually starting. This time I didn't. AF just came. I'm worried something could be wrong with me. I've never had any of this happen to me. Ecapecially being 3 weeks late