Head all over the place. Have had a real up and down pregnancy sickness throughout was in the menopause up until a month before finding out I was pregnant. Consultants and midwives have had different opinions throughout. Was put on blood pressure medication for around 3 weeks from 20 weeks as blood pressure was high on two consecutive days (whilst I had an ear infection) I took myself off and was sent to the GP by my midwife who agreed i should not be on them. Blood pressure has been normal at all other points.
Had a 36 weeks growth scan and was sent for a medical review. The two scans done 24 hours apart had completely different measurements and weights. Both showed he had grown since 28 weeks but had dropped off the 50th percentile that he had previously been on. The consultant at first said she would not induce before 39 weeks but then decided to induce me just before 38 weeks. My original consultant who I had seen after the first scan at 36 weeks put no emphasis on rushing even the medical review let alone inducing. The second scan was 24 hours later due to it being at a closet hospital. She told me unless the scan showed I needed to be induced immediately I would be rescanned at 28 weeks.
I did agree to the induction at the time. The appointment was a blur I went from listening to his heartbeat to being offered a late amniocities test and abortion if positive.
The outcome of the medical review was that he was around 5lbs (at 35 weeks 6 days) and his growth had slowed he is generally on the small side femur length etc but all symmetrical. This could suggest dwarfism apparantly brings up downs as an option (previous test gave 1 in 4750 chance) or could be normal end of pregnancy etc no history of big babies in my family all 7.5lb and under, Could be an issue with the placenta calcifying. What should I do? Now 37 + 2 and not sure whether to ask for another scan before an induction at 37+6? Any opinions or advice would be much appreciated.